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Genus J'raxii

Six level solo scenario. Nicely done, with some thought put into how to make you flip switches in a specific order without making it look like you're being made to flip switches in a certain order.

Leelas Return 1.0.5

Herr Grund apologizes for the all-German text in the terms, however, if you look at your Map, the level titles are in English. Three levels, and you better put on your running shoes and carry your balance pole! This player, due to the German text, doesn't know whether we talked to Leela or not. Always did like that gentle & helpful AI (Durandal was such a rampant rat!). This is a very challenging scenario to get into, bonk on the head, glub over the head, that kind of thing. But well worth the download. Good Map Making, somewhat standard, but a challenge as well.

Menkalinan! 2.0

An okay 3 (or 4) level scenario, with a pretty bizarre plot. (Well, bizarre might be the wrong word... but it seems to evolve with each level. (The readme suggests this might be the case...) Gameplay is pretty linear, but it'll keep you shooting stuff for a while, and that's the point, right?

Sym1Trikzzh Arena

Looks like it might have started life as Duality, but it sure ain't anything like that map now! If everyone stays in the central area, this map would be comfortable with as few as 3. Start exploring, though, and 8 might get lost... A few nice secrets, for those who find 'em.

The Elements of Map-Making Style

A nice document detailing some dos and don'ts about mapmaking. These are well thought-out... everyone making maps should read them-there's probably something you haven't considered here.

The J1raxis Hell Arena

An enormous arena with more space in the outlying corridors and small rooms than in the main area. Construction is generally well done, with nice clean Thunderdome-like choices. The main arena is floodable with lava, so beware... in fact, KOTH games are pretty unlikely to have very high hill times, since the lava switch is not attackable from the hill. If you stay out of the secret passageways, you can have high carnage rates with groups of 3 or 4. As soon as you go exploring, 8 will be too few...

Bridge of Despair v1.0

Pretty good layout, Arena type square with bridge in the middle, secret doors, variety of levels, and the S'pht are on your side which means they're pretty useless as usual, especially with that Jugger in the middle of your bridge. King of the Hill, Ball are untested but author recommends up to eight players. No cooperative play although solo is also okay per Mr. Mason.

Burning Steel v1.0

Square Arena play, lower level populated by aliens for solo play, upper level ledges have good corners for sniper spots with a raised dais in middle for King of the Hill. Decent layout. Supports up to eight players.

Carnage Gardens v1.0

Another keeper. Large Arena with perimeter passageways for ammo, 1x & 2x, a couple of elevators, garden pathways. Supports KOTH, Ball, with a sniper outcrop to die for. Up to 8 players and is loaded with mean & nasty aliens for whiz bang solo play; includes a Jugger right there, in the middle of it all! Go ahead, fire your Launcher!. Remember, the Sph't are on your side. At some point lay back & watch everybody duke it out in middle of the Arena, too funny!

DartBoard Bonanza v1.0

Complex square, supports 2-6 players. Sniper areas, bldg. in main lobby with goodies & a 2x, can get caught here, difficult to get out and would slow you down. A few of those stupid Bob's for solo play. Also has that Fish Eye & the Infra-red. We liked this map, except for the damn Fish Eye.
