Created by Candis D. Manson

DartBoard Bonanza v1.0

Complex square, supports 2-6 players. Sniper areas, bldg. in main lobby with goodies & a 2x, can get caught here, difficult to get out and would slow you down. A few of those stupid Bob's for solo play. Also has that Fish Eye & the Infra-red. We liked this map, except for the damn Fish Eye.

Jug Jug v1.1

A small square arean that utilizes 5-D space. This level is small and due to the number of objects and their regeneration rate, I had some blinking monsters going on, and this was even on a G3. Small and short hallways are accessed by elevators that orginate from the ground floor. Elevators need to be a bit faster and no matter what size of group you have, this level will give you high carnage rates. Updates speeds up elevators, and decreases some of the ammo.

Netropolis v1.1

Nice little 5D map. Flow's great, ammo is, um, plentiful. (If Bungie had built in support for 16 players, it'd still be plentiful.) Textures... well, I don't like the Pfhor set on principle, so don't ask me about the textures.

Pfhorcade v1.0

A pretty cool little map... Narrow catwalks sit filled with spnkrs and 3x canisters stand above pits with teleporters. The teleporters lead to crushing rooms... so the key is staying on the catwalks. (Because of the 3x canisters, kills will probably be much lower than deaths.) Comes with a film in which RuGGeR whales on Pezman...