February 1999

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January 1999

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April 1999

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Whispers in the Night

One gigantic invisible Devlin here, kill it with your most deadly weapon then traverse corridor after corridor after . . . well, you get the idea. Looking for the data chip that contains info on experiments to turn Devlins into working drones (bleck). Of course the lights are out and 75% of the switches don't work so maybe it's a sequence thing. There is a Pattern Buffer but who needs it. The chip must be behind that airlock-type door off the Science Lab (no names from Map key) and here's to you Mr. Robinson if you can retrieve it. How much time do you have to spend in someone else's ...

Who Fears the Marine

We do! It's those crazy Bob's and they are in your face; you enter scenario & aargh, greeted by a contingent of those guys. And a few Pfhor just for the hellavit. Thank goodness for triple strength shield rechargers, you'll need them. Solo play works & with opponents you should have a rollicking good time! No read me, no frills but a well laid out, pretty good size, map. Try it!

Dirt Mines of Aldebaran

I'm not sure this one's playable. It's really, really, really big... and sort of boring. You'd have trouble finding people to kill with 20... good luck with 8 or less. Interesting experiment in mapmaking, though...

Escher's Bowtie

Amazingly simple, but pretty convoluted... two completely overlapping rooms, with a shared pair of pillars. There's a moving platform between the pillars (you can use it as cover, or as a travel aid), and each time you circle a pillar, you end up in the other room. One room has drones, the other has a single cyborg-leave aliens on during net play, and you can use the wreckage to orient yourself. Beautifully done.

Escher's Fire Walk With Bob

A small arena with a pillar in the center and a river of lava down the middle, leading into a lake. Sounds simple... except if you drop around the pillar, you'll lose your buddies. They won't turn up the next time you go around, either... or the next time. In fact, the room wraps around the pillar four times before reconnecting with itself. Wow-that must be some sort of a record. General mapmaking is quite good (except for an untextured wall in each of the 4 lava lakes-but you shouldn't be too distracted by the smearing, since you won't stay alive too long out there...).

Escher's Shell Game

This is one of the most convoluted (and unpredictable) 5D spaces I've ever seen. A large open area with three pillars... but there are actually 3 open areas, and in each one, two of the pillars are connect points, while the third is not. (Obviously, it's not the same pillar in each arena.) Two-thirds of the time, you can avoid enemy fire by ducking around a pillar... but that last third will kill you... literally. The one saving grace is probably unanticipated by the level creator.. but also by your playmates, most likely: you can actually kill people through 5D space.

Escher's Vertigo

Um... it's a star... no, it's a bunch of triangles that meet in... no, it's, um, it's...Dang. Download it, play it, get totally lost. It's really small inside... but the walls just come and go! There's a tiny bit of smearing, due to a hacked pillar, but you have to work pretty hard to see it... and if your friends are any good at all, you won't get the chance.

Hill From Hell

Sort of a solo net map. Hmm... that's not right. You've got two kinds of bobs, and you can team up with either one. One defends the hill (the map is a fine KOTH map for large groups all by itself), the other the outer passageways. Nice construction, decent lighting, good flow (once you've figured things out)... This one works well as either a net or solo level.
