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Chisel: Poseidon v1.1

Poseidon is a Chisel plugin that lets you flip a marathon map (M2 or Infinity) around the X, Y, or Z axes. Pretty slick, actually. Version 1.1 fixes a number of small bugs. This plugin is also available as part of the Chisel 2.1.6-enhanced package.

Heptapus V1.1

A wheel-like map with seven spokes. A bit of 5D space gives you a pair of upstairs...personally, I prefer the one with the recharger.Hard to tell, but v1.1 seems to have more monsters than 1.0 had. (No mention in the readme what the changes are.)

Jingle Bobs v1.1

If you thought the extra cut on the M2 cd was fun, DOWNLOAD THIS MAP! The Bob Boogie Choir performs Jingle Bells, in all it's gory! (No, that wasn't a typo.) Had me rolling on the floor! (It's only 47K, c'mon, download it!) v1.1 adds a couple of nice touches: the bodies don't disappear after death, and you're killed off when it's over, so you can play it again without quitting.

Root Square V1.0.1

A tight, pillar-filled level, with a small open area in the center and a pair of raised catwalks. Lots of attention to lighting detail, to great effect. Not the lowest-poly-count map out there, though... a bit slow on older machines. (Okay, you need a fast ppc to run it.) Quite nice as a solo practice level, due to the repeating baddies... definitely worth the download. Not clear what's new in this version... possibly tweaked weapons placement?

Two Shapes Utilities v1.0.1

Two programs: 12oo Shapes Mover, which moves shapes chunks from M1 shapes files to M2/inf shapes files... and 1-10 Twiddler, which can help with the 1-animated/1-non-animated switching problem. (If you don't know what that is, you probably don't need this.) Very useful tools for scenario builders! v1.0.1 fixes a small bug that kept the Twiddler from recognizing M2 files.

Alien Staff Patch

Converts the fists in Marathon 1 to a Pfhor staff. No second trigger... and no physics changes. Other than that, though... looks like a pfhor staff.

Blood and Steel v1.0

A very nice large arena, with a fast-moving peripheral ring. Two rechargers in the center, but if your opponents are any good, you won't be able to use them. In solo mode, the aliens give you a nice run for your money... troopers and hunters regenerate at absurd rates, but enforcers and fighters are on your side to help out. (Careful, though... there are enough enforcers that friendly fire is a real hazard.) Attractive design, and great flow.

King's Court (FFA)

A large arena with a corridor system around the outside. Physics have been modified to make sure there's always someone who wants you dead, and lots and lots and lots of baddies have been added. Good for a "see if you can stay alive for more than 30 seconds" run on TC, if you're not hiding in a corner somewhere.

Marathon Xperiments

Two maps (well, there are three, but the first and the third are identical) with some very interesting physics experiments. The first map has a very useful jetpack built into the second trigger of every weapon. One of the best I've used. The second has some pretty serious weapons modifications... as a solo test level, this one'll keep you coming back for more, and as a net level... well, carnage rates will be pretty absurd. Nicely done, as experiments go. Give 'em a try!


Mark's been making Marathon maps since he could. (4+ years now.) He's collected up his best netmaps, retextured or retooled maps originally built for older Marathons, and added a few new designs. The package contains 18 maps, a few of which are variations on a theme. Carnage is quite high in single-player mode, due to the heavy concentration of aliens... most or all of which disappear in multiplayer mode. If you're looking for a netpack that your gaming group can load up and play for a while on your lunchbreaks, look no further.
