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Daronn's Sunfire

Some real ingenius types of lighting has gone into this one. Big, arena surrounded by a ring of ammo located in very small hallways. Keep on them, you will eventually end up on a great sniper ledge. At times it didn't seem big, until you play it net, this puppy is big and it will support up to 8..I was just so impressed with the construction idea that as I was looking up at the center of the map I was getting wasted. A cool trick with the lava- the film doesn't show it but it's there. Will support all kinds of net play..great download and well worth you time.

Off He Goes v1.0

A medium sized large platform arena surrounded by a "lack of vision" type of trench. A couple of outside rooms connected by walkways that show you some great consturction efforts. I enjoyed playing this map the most. It lended itself for all kinds of play and it is well laid out. Lights and sounds are pretty basic but construction and stragedy was well thought out. IMO one of the best--the author threw some cool ideas in for the door switches. (?) Teleporters can help you if you think them through. Great map, great flow and some great "death rooms".


This is defintely a large net map!!!!! If you have any eyesight troubles then I strongly suggest you don't try this map. I found myself squinting to try to see the other net player. Biddle is a map that is a very large cylinder looking arena with many lighted sniper ledges at different heights located in the walls. The problem is that the whole map is pitch black and the sniper ledges are lighted. Transporters gets you to the ledges and watch out!! Even on low res., my net partner was able to see me. Lots of carnage with this one...Construction ideas are pretty good but way too dark.


A very well constructed net level. The author gives some insight that the map might of have been rushed to complete, but some great construction ideas here. Well probably hold up to 4 real well, the elevators in the middle of what I thought make up the "Christmas Tree", came in real useful. Try it and see what you think. Update fixes a few poly problems...

Fm: Net Hop Pack v1

This is a pack of 8 net maps strictly for use with Marathon Infinity. It contains some earlier versions of many of the levels here, I have not updated this NetHop with the latest versions (no demand for it). The thing that makes this different from the Infinity Map Pack, is that each level contains a Terminal from which you can jump to the next map during the same game.

Cap N Crunch v1.1

A very large diamond shaped map with some really nice lighting detail in the middle. The middle of the map has lighted platforms that make for some very interesting hiding areas. The upper platforms are accesed by teleporters. The light detail is very good in this one. ) The most impressive part of this map is the lighting....some good ideas here. One secret--it's worth finding. Now only one level, the update takes the 2nd level off...(which was basically just the same)

Hot Handed God of Cops v1.0.3

A very well-built level, reminiscent of the quality of Bungie M1 net levels. Flow is superb, weapons are nicely balanced, all play styles are accomodated. This was originally designed with M2 textures, and needed serious reworking to look good with the new Infinity sewage textureset. (It still looks better in the M2 version, included.) On the other hand, the Infinity version contains a KKV... Update fixes a bug that kept Kill the Man with the Ball from working, tweaks gameplay, and adds a true M2 version.

Marathon Film Renamer v1.2

Allows drag and drop renaming of films, including level and game type. This is very convenient for people that are storing alot of films and have no idea which level they go with. This will allow you to name and keep, hopefully just a little better tract. Handles the M2 bug where the film on the non gathering machine records the wrong map ID. Also works on M1 maps. Update now works with Infinity maps as well, it will let you mix or match M1-2-Infinity films!!

Where the Piggies Play v2.0

A update of a previously posted map. This update adds a very good rooftop arena. One that is large enough to get some high carnage rates in. There has been a secret added, don't give up it's there and now there is a ending terminal for you that play this map solo. Will support 8 with no problem. KOH, KMWB,EMFH are all supported with this one. Some great ideas but there are some flow interruptions. I personally liked the way the hallways were laid out.

Alien Arena v2.0

A great large net map that reminded me of 5D Space. This is one of the better ones we played tonight. The elevators are ultra fast and there are some great sniping areas. A very tall map with the hill in the middle. Direct sight of the hill is located all around from the sniper posts. Didn't find any secrets...but as you can tell from the film, I would have gotten tozted if I looked. Great map, great lighting effects and very good for large groups.
