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July 1995

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30 31


In the Shadow of Lh1owon

If ever there was a straightforward, good old days Infinity Scenario laying about, Mr. Finley has captured it all. Durandal, that demanding sarcastic, grumpy AI. Clear directions, flows like fine wine. Ahhhhh the memories of following Durandal, Killing Phor, Using Pattern Buffers, Reuping your Launcher . . . here it is. And it's Free!

Island Refuge?+1

Don't get killed! This is probably one of those guilty pleasure, very short, scenarios. Practice your side-stepping skills. Author says excuse the hokey storyline. Okay. First map effort, keep going and in the meantime we'll try to avoid those damn flame-blowing, grenade-rolling guys on wheels!

Jamie's Mƒ Maps

When that old feeling comes over you and you've just got to get some Bobs and grind 'em into exploding particles of whatsis . . . this series of eleven maps will work. Included; Be My Yeti, Bob Cathedral, Bob This, Let's Get Bob, etc., etc. Up to eleven maps with physics included. All maps could work as Net Levels. Maybe Jamie will do that someday.

Jjaro- The Other Durandal

Three levels, good story in the Read Me, clear mission, love the "Muerte Machine". A few musical notes from the "Good, Bad & the Ugly", sounds really Cool! Not sure what to say about this scenario. You might like it if you like to go 'round & 'round. Terms/Durandal are good. Intimidating Pfhor as well. Shoudn't be dismissed too quickly.

Kev's Map

Three levels with numero uno a vacuum level. Can't find air rechargers, shield rechargers & the Pattern Buffer, while it saves (only) essentially doesn't work. Triangular elevators are the constant in first two levels with hidden doors to same, but then what. Level three AI says we got you out & then transports to game screen. Not fond of this effort by . . . Kevin?

L O R O F+1

A Fabulous Scenario! A Bronze Medalist! Gee, this one was fun! Read Me gives an apology in that author couldn't get text in and so terms generally don't work. Trust us on this, use caution on action key at center term. Pattern Buffers work. Even so, without terms, this is sooooo worth a download. So much crammed in here, an excellent effort by Sr. Garcia, we highly recommend!

Leap of Faith

We have no Faith, at least not that we'd complete this scenario, but we're in a bad mood today. Read Me states "have fun heheheheheh". 'Round & 'round, get the chip, put it . . . . where the sun don't shine? Or, maybe try harder.

Levelia Map

A lot of mileage in this 68K Map. And smearing too, but you can get through it. When you bring up your Map screen statement is "Don't worry, your just a bigginer, let Bob Dole Do the work". According to Viagra ads we've seen, we believe Bob is involved in 'doing the work'! A kill exercise pure & simple, with those teensy little aliens. Dan should stop listening to all that dinner table politico talk & concentrate on "map making", close the bedroom door and keep going.

Mar 123 Map

Well, this one's fun. Your basic kill mission with all the troopers and other flavors of aliens exploding & flying through the air like your basic Bob's. Two levels, first one hard to get out of. General Mar is the AI, first time we've heard a General say "See Ya!". We suspect Mr. Gregg is fairly new to map making and, if so, he's got a good start.


TCAT/To Catch a Thief In the Read me we're referred to as Dudes & Dudettes, told this is cool fun. Not that there's anything wrong with that. In fact, the terms are quite intelligent with Durandal needing help with Boomer, tractor beam problems. This is quite a bit for a one level scenario but it moves along, good assortment of creatures, switches, etc. At the end you find yourself in the most horrendous tunnel/maze-like area you can imagine! You will certainly spend some time here! Early play is pretty good, but oh that last run through. We're wearing out our Map Key!
