Browse Files

The Mute

A gorgeous net map, second place winner in the Nardo Mapmaking Contest. Although some of it seems claustrophobic, there are several larger areas, and flow from one area to the next is quite good. Vertical angles, while steep, in no way impeded us from killing one another. The attention to detail is fantastic; if you've always wanted to die in some beautiful garden, this is the place. Check it out!

The Stadium v1.0

Originally released as part of the Some More Lh'owon, this level has been slightly modified (and retextured with Tempus Irae textures), but it is still a blast to play. Reminiscent of a classic M1 net level, Circular Death... gameplay is fast and furious. Try it out with more than 3... carnage rates will go through the roof!

Total Workout

A deceptively simple arena. There doesn't look like there is anywhere to hide... until you start playing. Author says it's designed for Tag... but carnage works well, too. Lots of open space, interesting texture usage. (Hint... it's all there for a reason.) Fits all sizes comfortably, from 2 up.

Marathon Sound Editor v1.0b6

This program will allow you to fully customize your M2/M00 sound files. Check out its web page! b5 Update allows in-place editing-you can overwrite the existing file, if you want. (Thanks, Charles!) b6 update reactivates the code to verify class IDs.

Marathon: Fell v2.0 Spoiler Guide

Fell v2.0 is a 35-level solo scenario that's wholly the work of one person. As such, it can be less accessible to the masses than a large map made by a variety of mapmakers, because if you don't think the way Ben does, you might miss a lot. To that end, Ben has put together a spoiler guide for you... which includes secrets and strategies for all levels in DocMaker format, plus a film which shows Ben playing through all of the major new levels in one shot. (Yes, it can be done.) This should help anyone who's been stuck on a particular level of Fell for any length of time. (Don't read this i...

Alien Staff Patch Update 1.0 -> 1.2

Updates the Alien Staff Patch to v1.2. (Requires the first Alien Staff Patch.) Adds better sound for the hit, reworks the frames a bit, and adds a physics model. There's still no second trigger.

Don't Feed the Juggernauts

A straighforward ring, with an inner moat guarded by juggs. Lots of ammo on the outside, bigger weapons in the moat or on the inside. Originally built for Win95.

Mir V1.0

A slick little rotating space station (contains a shapes patch to produce the rotation... don't worry, it's small). Big weapons are upstairs. (If you miss the elevators, check your map view.) And watch your back... the compilers outside can nail you if you're not looking! Might be big for 2, but should be okay for anything larger.


6 levels, sort of a wide range. Some seem to be designed for solo practice (FAR too many aliens for a reasonable net game), while others seem to be designed for net play. Flow ranges from constrictive to pretty darn good. Most are quite large... but that's not such a big deal on the solo practice levels. Worth a look.

Quades (M2)

5 levels, sort of a wide range. Some seem to be designed for solo practice (too many aliens for a reasonable net game), while others seem to be designed for net play.

Bullets Patch

Adds a spent shell casing to the firing sequence with the M1 pistol. The M2 and Infinity pistols have this... why not M1? No sound patch, so you can't hear it hitting the ground.

Marathon 5 Lunar Simulation

No baddies, no air, lots of nasty meteor showers. A nice little maze map. Careful... this ain't the moon you know.

Better Lighting v1.0

In the hopes of increasing the overall lighting quality of released maps, the author has created three preset collections of lights, allowing for more variability in level lighting. The enclosed example map also shows how to use some of these. If folks actually take the time to learn the basics of lighting, levels will look much more realistic. This small package can help.

Bachus' Net Extravaganza

6 levels, three previous releases with tweaks, three new. Mostly geometric layouts, but they work pretty well. Lots and lots of baddies, so solo works fine, lots of physics tweaks ...

Evil-Agorapfhorbia v1.0

A large, sprawling netmap with wide open spaces, an easy-to-reach-hill, and lots of nooks and crannies to hide in.

The Hill

Geometrical, few visual cues as to where you are. Constantly regenerating baddies give you something to shoot at if you have no net connection, but a plethora of invincibility powerups make them rather impotent. Don't fall in the water... you get transported to a room with no escape, and the only way out is to sucide under a crusher.

King's Court (FFA)

A large arena with a corridor system around the outside. Physics have been modified to make sure there's always someone who wants you dead, and lots and lots and lots of baddies have been added. Good for a "see if you can stay alive for more than 30 seconds" run on TC, if you're not hiding in a corner somewhere.

Marathon Xperiments

Two maps (well, there are three, but the first and the third are identical) with some very interesting physics experiments. The first map has a very useful jetpack built into the second trigger of every weapon. One of the best I've used. The second has some pretty serious weapons modifications... as a solo test level, this one'll keep you coming back for more, and as a net level... well, carnage rates will be pretty absurd. Nicely done, as experiments go. Give 'em a try!


Mark's been making Marathon maps since he could. (4+ years now.) He's collected up his best netmaps, retextured or retooled maps originally built for older Marathons, and added a few new designs. The package contains 18 maps, a few of which are variations on a theme. Carnage is quite high in single-player mode, due to the heavy concentration of aliens... most or all of which disappear in multiplayer mode. If you're looking for a netpack that your gaming group can load up and play for a while on your lunchbreaks, look no further.

Alien Staff Patch

Converts the fists in Marathon 1 to a Pfhor staff. No second trigger... and no physics changes. Other than that, though... looks like a pfhor staff.
