Browse Files

Rubicon AO-X Update v1.0

This is a self made OSX version of the famous Marathon Scenario named Marathon Rubicon.

Interesting Rubicon maps v1.1

Im not gonna try guees my maps creation date- dont ask y i dont look at wen it was last modified

Middle School Replica v1.0

This isnt my map i made- but a good friend made it and wanted it posted. This is his middle school- He says if you went to the real thing youd think of the map instantly

Marathon Rubicon AO Light SDL v1.0

This is an SDL-compatible version of the Marathon Rubicon scenario. It's identical to the Mac version, except for file formats.

Head to the website for more details.

Rubicon-Xariim Vid Films v1.0

This is a deceptively challenging Rubicon scenario to play and vid. Don't be fooled by the easy "no-brainer" levels early on. They get much more difficult as the scenario progresses. Due to the lack of recharge stations on most levels, and very few recharge canisters even so, a few of the levels are extremely challenging for vidding. This package contains films for each of the 14 solo levels. Enjoy!

Dr. John S. Sumner

Rubicon-Xariim v1.0

"Rubicon-Xariim" now in .sit format !

"Marathon:Rubicon-Xariim" is a 14 solo levels scenario for "Marathon:Rubicon".

ooga's Shroom Patch v1.0

This is just a little bit of rubicon fun, and it supports all gametypes. The weapons have been sped up in almost all aspects, making netplay totally bitchin'.

Hell Pfhor You Vidmaster Film v1.0

This is me vidding my favorite Rubicon Vidmaster level, Hell Pfhor You. It contains two films:

Hell Pfhor Them: This is my vidmaster film, not much else to be explained. TC, most weapons used.

Quick'n'Dirty: A simple explanation for those who don't know how to lower the 'table' at the start of the level.

A more detailed readme can be found with the files.


Alt.Penance More Will Do v1.0

Alternative version of Penance More Will Do for those experiencing problems with the original.

Sea Monkey Milanesa v1.6

Four Ruby Net Maps for solo or net play for 2-6 people. FPS has been kept low and all modes of net play (Ball, Hill, Every Man) are possible.


1. Nicotine Bingo (Rubicon original.)

2. Spam Trance (Rubicon original.)

3. The Bum's Rush (GoF import. First time release.)

4. The Grim Ritual (A remake of a Minf map, which was a remake of a TI map.)

Marathon Rubicon 1.0

Four years in the making, Rubicon is the is the largest Marathon scenario project ever created.

Marathon Rubicon AO 1.0

Four years in the making, Rubicon is the is the largest Marathon scenario project ever created.