Browse Files

Stormy Weather v1.0

A simple simplici7y map (meaning it has but 7 polys). Sound's a little funky (there are a couple of polys with no sound, leading to some jarring transitions), but it's got decent flow for a tiny map - be careful, the elevator leading out of the moat isn't as responsive as you might think (it's easy to get spanked down there if you think you're coming up..).

The joy of violent movement v1.0

The first half of an entry that never made it into the Tempus Mapmaking Contest. Movement's pretty linear... but you should be busy enough that you don't even notice. Action was pretty much non-stop... but not so hard I wanted to give up. Nicely laid out - the eye candy is quite good (makes you feel a little better waiting for Gates of Fenris)... mostly, this is just a great adrenaline generator. Give it a run!