Created by Unknown

Walcome Ta the Sock

Opening screen at term, photo of unknown doofus geek AI; gather ammo, check back for mission: 'Free the Lost Bob'. Transport into Error Land or Unable to Read Land. Crashidy boomidy splat

Twin Dreams

A simple arena surrounded by (and intersected by) a cross-and-square built in simple 5D. Okay for small groups.

Pfhorgotten Pfhortress

A small arena with some surrounding corridors. Lots of secrets, but there's a film to show them to you. Flow isn't bad...


Odd. A whole series of levels where the object is to kill Bob... kill enough of 'em, you win. They don't seem to be linked in any way (except for a few pairs), so you're on your own, weaponwise. (That is to say, kill or be killed with your magnum and your fists.) Addictive, nonetheless...

Waterworld v3.0

Circular water arena with back hallways, switches below water to close off areas for hiding, maybe. Slim ammo, some doesn't register. No rechargers. Looks like those switches might work when dealing with more than one opponent.
