Browse Files

Sewage Suite v1.0

It's a netpack. Three maps. One is large and has a strange name. The other two are different halves of the large one. All three work for Every Man For Himself, Kill the Baller, and King of the Mound of Corpses.

The Theory of Sensitivity v1.3

The bug free version of the map, with new and improved outside scene plus a secret area. The minimal version with a recharger and sewage pillar in the middle is here as well as a simple version with just the ship out side added.

The Theory of Sensitivity v1.2 v1.2

After some advice I spruced up the walls and added a little. Not to different, but I am working on a major change to the whole thing.

The second map wiht the recharger and sewage pillar is still the same.

The Theory of Sensitivity v1.0

The first map is the original concept, a huge jarro hanger filled with invisable sp'ht. The second has a pilar of sewage in the middle as well as a recharger added in.

nosferatu v1.1

Added two maps, making this a "netpack". I have also decided to just add the new maps I make to this one map file, instead of posting them on fireball separately.

P.S.Added two maps, making this a "netpack". I have also decided to just add the new maps I make to this one map file, instead of posting them on fireball separately.


Sorry about before when I said "supports all competitive games types", I forgot about the new ones in A1 : /

Sorry about before when I said "supports all competitive games types", I forgot about the new ones in A1 :/

Me's Massive Netpack v1.0

It's not worth getting unless you A-Want to know how to do really weird maps; or B-Like one of the older maps. Go get the newer version.

poena.dare's Maps of Pain v1.0

This map pack was designed for multiplayer carnage fun, but also allows single player walkthrough. A few of the maps use switches and uplink chips to simulate different game types.

Aleph One Test Maps 1.0

A collection of all the novelty maps submitted to the Marathon Open Source project to show off specific strengths or features of the Aleph One engine.

Endren's Netpack 1.3

This collection is now up to 8 maps, all very well constructed. The first one's a bit odd... insane chess. The rest, though... you could play these for a while and not get bored.
