Browse Files

More Spankies for Daddy (evil)

The original map for Infinity now made for Evil...has a good hill for KoTH play, has enough pillars and gagets for protection for EmfH and is made small enough that it will support small groups.

Mystic Base v1.2

I really like what this guy does with lights and light sets...These are not going to be your typical net maps.

Advanced Gernade Hopping

A new and improved edition of what we in Marathon have come accustomed to. This file along with a map and film will help you to "jump" to new heights. It is worth the download if you are one that has tried in vain to learn how to gernade hop without wiping yourself out!

Evil: Sights Patch v1.0

The Marathon EVIL Sights Patch gives you sights (so you know where you are shooting) in Marathon EVIL. The sights pinpoint exactly (almost) where the bullet, missile, etc., will hit.

Death Blade Arena v1.1

Probably one of the better uploads tonight without a doubt! This is another map from Nick Mason. (Mystic Series) A very large round open-air arena.

Ground Pounded

What a fun map this was....I really enjoyed this level..just playing it solo! You will need to download this, if for no other reason, just to release some stress.

Map Making Topics/FAQ 6

Round 6...Now in a very good format. Icon folders helps you locate subjects now much faster.. Chris just keeps doing a excellent job and this file just keeps getting bigger and bigger. [note: these are in ClarisWorks format... difficult to read ifyou don't have a copy. Because of this, I've made a text-only version (952K) available. I hope the author doesn't mind...]

Paradise Theater 1.1

This is a one level solo map that is "not" you usual solo level. The author first sent this in around the first of July. At that time it was a large, very large net level. We went through the map and suggested that he convert it to a solo level. To sum up, it is now a solo map. It came in the second version with a shapes patch. But, after trying many times, I could never get the patch to work. Now in this version, it is just basically the level. This thing is so big, that it will take you some time to get through it. Some nice lighting effets, some good use of texture choices

Pfhriers Net Levels

Eleven total net levels, some made by the author and a couple that will jog your memory of some of Bungies favorites. Most of these have very strong light sets along with equally strong flow. Lots of net modes supported in these maps and I only found a couple of bugs.


Just a small text file that explains how to make rain with Forge...You will need to know some basic mapmaking skills before trying this.

Snork Pak

A collection of very good netmaps that range from small to medium levels. These were put together for the authors group of 2-3 players. They would fit that size of group perfectly. All of them have at least 1 or 2 very good visual tricks and all of them are very fast with good flow. KoTh to EmfH supported by these levels.

Three Shots of Whiskey v1.1

A very, very large net level. This thing just keeps going and going. The author seems to like small, 4 to 5 sided rooms for weapons. Ammo is no problem, but, you will have to hunt for the weapons.

Abbe Surcum Delar Quen

Visually a stunning map. The choice of textures along with the use of lava really makes this map stand out. A small KotH nete map that is ideal for 4 players.

Arbitrary Map Points

With this download you get two programs. Add Arbitrary Map Points and Create Spiral Staircase. The AMP utility will add arbitrary points to a unmerged Marathon 2 map, and, Infinity map. It is highly recommended that you read the readme before using the utility. Doing so, should help tremendously. A pretty neat little utility!


A very large net level that at times reminded me of "Kill Your Television" form M-2. Some of the ideas in this map are very good, and along with the should have alot of carnage with this one. Some very tight walkways along with some pretty neat tricks...

Crowbar Specialist

Hmmm...Let me see if I can describe this map fast. A large, winding, mini-arenas, liquid forcefields, tight hallways, fast elevators, lots of BoBs pissed off at each other, net level. Supports a few modes.... Is built to enhance net play. A few neat ideas, texture choices were wierd at times, but with the fast turns and short sight lines, it begins to make sense.

Dr. Richards Ring

A medium sized net level that will absolutely drive you nuts trying to figure out the 5D space tricks. Built on the jjaro textures, this map would be ideal for 3 to 4 players. All modes are supported and try to remember that you are in space.

Dr. Richards Ring (evil)

A medium sized net level that will absolutely drive you nuts trying to figure out the 5D space tricks.


Another large net level from Matt Dolan. This is a smaller lava level then the Lava Lord. It supports all modes of netplay, and has a couple of shield recharge's that whould be first come first server! Visually some very nice choices with textures.(36K), and, I found some of the polys with aliens trapped inside. (monster impassable)

Lava Lord

From the title you can get the gist of this level. One small middle arena area, surrounded by connecting hallways that take some wide turns to wrap around the map. Visually nice at times, Supports alll modes, and qutie fast.
