Browse Files

Lun v1.01

A circular arena surrounded by a elevated ring. There is a small central hill that is enclosed by another ring that is acessed by jumping from the outer ring. This map sports some very good light sets along with some nice texturing. A fast, KotH map that will also support EmFH.

Many Maps

Many maps is the title of this pak and it describes it the best. There are 20 maps here and some of them, which I liked, are small enough for 2 to 3 players. Lots of levels here.....and some real nice ideas!

Marathon Atlantis Gold

A new scenario for the Infinity engine. 6 solo levels and 3 net levels are included in this pak. You will encounter some strange things with this map...

Outpost Isni v1.b

A very good solo evil map. This thing is the definition of "non-linear". I really enjoyed some of the level design. I have had this file for some time but have not posted due to a bug that is now fixed.

Waldo and the Yetis

Two very large oval arenas that are connected with a enlcosed ring that wraps around the larger arena. At first, you would think that this is very close to Marathon , but the extra arena makes it a bit unique. Walking along the edge of the outdoor arena, I got some weird effects when I turned towards the wall....but it didn't hamper the game any. Supports most net modes along with co-op and even solo.