Browse Files


A very good map made with the lava textures. Flow is good, object placement was well thought out and the use of sounds was placed very well. This map works well with a large group but you could get by with three players. Most net modes supported.


Supports all modes of play with 3-6 players as optimal number. Map key shows two KOTH areas. Fairly complex layout for running around with elevators and medium size areas for splattering opponents.

Evil-Screaming Nipples

This is a twofer download with two maps/levels, first of which is Screaming Orgasm, a nifty layout. Supports all types play.

Evil-Shadow Death v1.1

Two maps which are same layouts with v1.1 enhanced (meaner for solo players). Pitch black playing field, a circle with four convergent paths dissecting the field leading to KOTH area, which is a well lit deadly place to be.

Evil-Siege & Damnation III

Mr. Dierkes strikes again with three winning maps. Of the level Maps (and where does he come up with those clever connotations?) 'Brutal Contumacy' has loads of ammo and various villains.

Evil-Silent Fear

Leave the aliens on! Mystics! Devlins roaring! Oh; net play-supports carnage, KOTH, Ball, up to eight players. Very large layout, coop play, no. Everything else is here.

Evil-Sinful Consciousness

A small arena wrapped by a outside ring and a elevated ring. The middle is the hill with four elevated paths extendend above water. A fast map, lots of ammo and fun to play. Another good map from Rich!

Evil-Slaughter Net Five

Five net maps from one of Marathons better authors. Los Besos-5D level, Betadine-simple bilevel, B.Pump-a small arena, Chicken Pops-mini arena with two levels, Frenazo-a great level for those that like to sit and snipe

Evil-Space Junk v1.1

Two levels. Both of them for the Evil application and they are well built, with some rather strange building techniques at times. But, overall worth your time.

Evil-Spank You Very Much!!

A level best suited for KotH. Media involved in this one for underwater fights. A small group will fit perfectly into this level. The lighting fit my tastes, very bright.

Evil-SSB Evil Maps

Four choices here via select. Aliens included for solo play, really aggressive Bobs. 2X canisters, heavy ammo. Terms within game are in Spanish.

Evil-Temple of Nasties

A large "temple-like" structure surrounded by a outside ring makes this level fast. Some very good ideas with design and flow was very good. Supports all modes of net play and is best designed for EmfH.

Evil-The Facility

Challenging is always a nice way to put it. Really, really tough is another. Perhaps, think, man! You can do it! What a trip this scenario is for your Evil Application. This will you keep you occupado for awhile. Great use of transitions, water, elevators. Does the word hidden count? This reviewer was sweating when we realized that Mr. Jacob had thoughtfully provided a "walk-through" Film. Have to have it. Dare you to download & succeed without it. The end of the film may have you cracking up (is that a bug?).

Evil-Urine Pool

Several distinct areas for play of your choice. Didn't see a urine pool, thank God! But at start-up you are in a Mae West-shaped area with water medium paths, 2x's & from there, it's pretty standard stuff. Supports 3-4 players. description by JD


A very good medium sized Evil net level. The stariway alone is reason enough to download this map. I really enjoyed the design of this thing and didn't spend much time on the rest of the parameters of the level.

Evil-White Sands

A Evil arena level with a few twists. A couple of layers that overlap but map mode can still handle it. There is a neat Forge trick in this level that feels almost like a pusher. It can be a pain at times...Worth the download!
