Browse Files

For a Few Shotguns More

A wide-open, weapons-out-the-wazoo level. I guarantee, you'll never run out of ammo. Flow is great... It's fast with two, but should support 8 without too much trouble.

I Hate Crossword Puzzles

Designed to look like-yep, you guessed it-a crossword puzzle. From the included films, it seems to work okay, flowwise.

If English is Good Enough for Jesus...

Large. Very similar, in some ways, to Give Him Two (above). This one has much more fun with water, though...

Killing Fields v2.2

I'm not sure this belongs on this page, since it's a modification of an M1 map that was a modification of a Bungie map... this bears just about zero resemblance to the original (a piece of Try Again). However, it's here, so deal with it. This is a gorgeous rendition of one of our all-time favorite M1 netmaps. (I didn't make it, I just like it.) It was originally released in an early Suicide collection, and this version has had a few changes made to the layout based on the author's net experiences with it. Update fixes a small bug that only bit people who played with dropped weapons on.

Pfhornication v4.0

A very nice port of a good M1 level. Water is used quite well here. If you've played Pfhorno before, you'll like this version. If you've never seen it, you're in for a treat.

Shoot Me Quick!

A simple arena, with pillboxes connected by secret passages around the outside. The only weapons are pistols, but it comes with a physics model that makes this fact irrelevant.

Space Tower

A really tall tower, a ring around the bottom, and all the good stuff between the two. Lots of fun if you like flying, frustrating as hell if you don't.

Acid Jazz v12 v12.0

A gorgeous, sprawling level that had 10 releases in 36 hours (mostly little tweaks). This one needs lots of people... but worth a look even if your net group is small. More little tweaks...

ArenaFest v1.0

Three maps. Pretty nice arenas... a few small bugs (smearing in a couple of places), but nothing serious. The third arena has really nice flow.


Just what it sounds like. Go outside... lots of secrets out there. Watch the traps, though...

Feel The Burn v2

A flamethrower level. For those who like the flamethrower (obviously). The best part of this is opening it up in Pfhorte. Has the most unjustifiably pompous (bar none) readme I've ever seen.

King of the Pit

A large map, designed for (a pretty nasty) KOH game. The hill is a small, deep pit... Once you commit, you're in there until someone kills you. Pretty cool recharger... (it's not in the pit.)

Netmap v1.0

A pretty simple arena. The sewage channels are deeper than they look.

StormBull's Maps

5 maps. 3 M1 conversions (maps they liked), and two originals.The conversions are quite well done. The originals rely pretty heavily on teleporters...

Return To Mars 1.0.1

Dave Turner, creator of the Rocket Trooper patch and co-creator of M1's Hutch, has recreated Mars Needs Women for M2. This isn't just a remake of the map...

36th Chamber

Larger than 7th Chamber, with lava that seems to be just for show... but it looks nice. Update tweaks lighting, and adds a couple of nice features.
