Another totally engrossing map from Tony Smith (Dad, Get Me Out of This and Rescue Bob!). Still no terms, but now he knows about Hex. There's one platform that'll take a bit of work to get on...
A gorgeous, sprawling level that had 10 releases in 36 hours (mostly little tweaks). This one needs lots of people... but worth a look even if your net group is small. More little tweaks...
A flamethrower level. For those who like the flamethrower (obviously). The best part of this is opening it up in Pfhorte. Has the most unjustifiably pompous (bar none) readme I've ever seen.
A large map, designed for (a pretty nasty) KOH game. The hill is a small, deep pit... Once you commit, you're in there until someone kills you. Pretty cool recharger... (it's not in the pit.)