Created by Eric Jorgensen
A tiny arena, with small rooms and passageways around the outside. Nicely laid out, with a switch that converts the whole thing from daytime lighting to dusk. Comes in two versions-the second one has the central hill raised, making for a better KOH game.
A medium-sized map, made up of a series of small rooms and passageways. Lots of explodabobs in tight spaces...
Claustrophobic. One big room, a bunch of too-small ones... and lots of ways to blow yourself up. Jarring textures, as well... Should appeal to the Carnage Palace Deee-luxe crowd.
Several small, interconnected rooms. Sniper positions tend to be below a level, rather than above... pretty fun. 1.1 update added quite a bit of new space (including an out-of-the-way arena), and changed the alien balance. 1.3 update aligns textures, adds lots of water, and seems to decrease total alien population. This is no longer a small map.
An arena with a pit. There's an elevator to get out of the pit, but it gets harder to hit after it's been hit once... Comes in two versions, of varying complexity. (One works better on 040's.)
A straightforward conversion of an M1 arena.
2 maps, sort of variations on a theme. Simple arenas, but with ledges and dropoffs that provide cover. Pretty nice for small groups... Upgrade adds an online readme (it's in a (bunch of?) terms), and a few other tweaks. Poetry during netplay... a new concept.
A little strange-walls hanging here and there, doors designed not to open, enemies you can't get to-but for a small game, the flow should be okay. (Update is mostly tweaks.)
Simple torus. Comes in two flavors-net play (watch the inside room) and solo play (lots and lots and lots of exploding bobs).