Browse Files

The 80 Monster Killer

You're in a central pit. In a raised walkway around you are 80 baddies (mostly explodabobs). Step on the central poly, and you close a crusher, starting a chain reaction that kills almost all the rest.

The Daily Grind

The primary feature of this map is the crusher. There are lots of them, and they're all user-operable. Makes a great way to kill your friends... (you won't get credit in the carnage report, but their death tally will still go up). Very nicely done, overall. Worth a look.

The Deep End 1.2

Um, yeah... well, I guess you could play it networked... Basic design is a very narrow walkway running through PfhorSlime. One misstep, and you're toast... No way back up, no recharging, no weapons down below... it's kinda silly.

Cool Death Arena II v1.1

Still a pair of arenas, but textures have been aligned, the water moves a bit, and other small tweaks have been performed. Update adds an invincibility.


An interesting combination of area styles. Players (mostly) start out in small rooms, but there are teleporters and secret doors to bring everyone together... the main areas are long, open hallways. There are a couple of nice touches (the explodabob pit is always good for killing the guy in front of you, and the textures behind the rechargers are cool). Looks like 4 or so for optimal play...

Predator & Prey v1.1

Seriously dark atmosphere. Very well-done map. Quite large, with lots of secrets, and cool stuff. Nicely hidden recharger (always useable, but you can certainly fool your teammates the first time around...). Update makes recharger much harder to use, and fixes a bad texture.

USIT v1.0

A model of a piece of the author's work building in Norway. Mostly narrow passageways, and until you've played it for a while, weapons are VERY scarce (there aren't any out in the open).


6 Maps. A couple of these are big, but most can be played with small groups, so I classified it as Small. These are really good... They range from amusing (maps in the shape of people or fish) to addictive (Phort and Capture the Flag are great for team games). Very enjoyable.

Gillo's Gambit

A small arena, with lots of ways to die... There's always some fighting going on, wherever you are.

M2 Suicide v14

4 levels, all orginal. Some very nice twists on KOH-type games... and one that wouldn't work with two people (it's called Eyes in the Back of Yer Head, and you wouldn't need 'em without a third person...). Carnage rating-very high.

Net as Good as Sex

A small, simple arena with catwalks above sewage pits. The flamethrower takes a bit of flying to get. BTW sex is much better than sewage pits... but then I never met his wife!

Circular Death Tribute

An interesting remake of a great M1 level. This map won't play well on slower machines, but the original didn't either... great care has been taken to keep flow similar to the original, while making an interesting M2 map. Check it out!

1,000 Ways to Die v1.1

This map's a blast (literally). The only weapons (besides the pistol you carry) are the shotgun and the SPNKR. There are enough corners and ledges that you should be able to avoid getting blasted every ten seconds, but grabbing that SPNKR is a bit difficult, if someone's watching... Update fixes a freezing bug.

House of Pain v2.0

2 maps. Modifications to House of Pain. One water map, one lava map.

M2 Pfhorno Lives!

A port of a small M1 map. Tries to give a little of everything to the player-open areas, sniper ledges, narrow passageways... generally good flow.

Net Jumping!

A very cool concept. 6 existing net maps (7, if you count the one that's duplicated) are strung together with terminals. They're all small arenas (Pfhorever, Citadel of Antiquity, others of that type), and when one player accesses the terminal, all players jump to the next level, with all their weapons. This should keep you from getting bored with the scenery.

Pink & Blue Arena

An interesting take on the Everyone's Mortal-type arena. Way too many bobs-this is only useful if you want to use this level as a practice gallery. Weapons are segregated (SPNKR on the hill, shotgun ammo in the back rooms, etc...).

Ready Pfhor Action V1.1

An interesting looking level... lots of elevations. Watch the landscape areas... they'll kill you in more than one way. (It's kind of satisfying to take out a Juggernaut that can't hurt you, though...) Update fixes a crashing bug.


2 maps. Ports of Mike Neylon M1 maps-Subway Station and Absolut Marathon Revisited. Emphasis is on carnage.

Tanz Mizery V1.0

Huge open spaces, surrounded by smaller rooms and even smaller passageways.
