Browse Files

No Soup For You!

An arena with a sort of a spiral staircase looping around and above it. Lots of wall openings, but once you're past the first ring, you're pretty much out of range unless your opponent is REALLY slow.


Imagine Everyone's Mortal But Me with deadly sniper seats... A grenade from the hill into any sniper seat will make life very uncomfortable for anyone in there, whether the grenade hits near them or not. A pretty fun secret that will never be seen by folks not using custom physics models (like the one enclosed).

The Corporate Ladder

Simple in design, but pretty fun in netplay. Four staircases meet in a cross, with the hill at the top. Around the bottom is another ring, with ammo... but you actually have to be coming up the stairs to get a shot at anyone at the top. Watch the walls when wielding that spanker...

Compound Pfhracture v1.1

Square, and symmetrical in gameplay. Easy to get lost at first, but not too bad to learn. Two levels, with many ways between them... Nice central bridge area. Update tweaks textures and object placement.

Foreign Legion 2.0

This map is the reason I got 3 maps tested this evening, instead of 20. Very pretty to look at, with a really well-thought-out story (well-written, even!), and great monster/ammo placement. This one'll keep you on your toes... The only faults I'd list are a few trapping polys (polys you can't get out of once you get in), and one set of bad doors (always keep an older saved game around-otherwise you'll do what I had to do, and start over). Definitely worth playing-this one's great.

In Your Pfhace

Just what it sounds like. A small arena, with both elevators and water columns to move up and down. Really fast-paced... and it looks nice, too.

Lava Extreme!

A simple net level, probably best with two players. A couple of ledges are separated by a lava pit. One player can control the lava, and teleporters from one side to the other are at the bottom... just make sure your opponent's nowhere near the switch when you jump in.

Never Forever 1.0

It's the week for solo scenarios, I guess... Here's a four-level spinoff of the Bungie universe. Map design is quite good on all levels (there may be some problems for 040 players on level 3-too much stuff). The story progresses well for the first two levels, then seems to become a Bungie derivative (I felt like I was listening to a juvenile Durandal). It ends with a bang, though. (You are gonna get SO lost on level 2...)

Check out the digestible chunks page, for floppy-sized pieces...

The Junkyard 1.2

A ten-level solo scenario, and a net level (Lava Extreme, also available separately) Some of the levels are bigger than others, but except for the last one, you can run through the whole thing in under an hour. The story revolves around Durandal and Tycho, but they're not the Durandal and Tycho you know... Use IZD on an 040. (The last level shows what happens when you give someone All Roads Lead to Sol and DOPE and tell them, "make a level kind of like this one, but with more monsters.")

Lava Me Tender

Installment 2 in the Origin of Species series (The Goo, the Bad and the Ugly was installment 1). I'll keep this short-get this map. It's really, really hard, but really, really good. Amazing art, and amazing level design. Wow.

Wrath of the Sentinel

A large, rambling level with a lot of water tricks. An early juggernaut makes things a bit difficult, but this one's playable... a fun story goes along with the gameplay.


A bunch of Marathon players took 54 of their favorite small maps, edited them a bit to their liking (more ammo, lower ledges in some cases, etc.), and stuffed them into a single Map file, to make net play easier. Unfortunately, the documentation is a bit sparse... (hard to tell which map comes from where, or what was done to it). If you're looking for a large collection of maps that someone else has already said is above average, download this.

Descent 1.3

A 7-level descent into Hell. Visually, this is a stunning map. From the opening sequence (VERY cool doors) through the final battle, I was surprised by some of the unique touches of this map. The update has cleaned up quite a few crashes, and added terms, secrets, and battles. Also, I was wrong- no cheating necessary to get off the first level. There are still a few minor bugs, but nothing major.

DG's 4 Map Pak

4 levels (what did you expect?). Three are originals, one is a remake of someone else's M1 map. The remake is pretty impressive (a really large fortress, lots and lots of different areas), the originals are ordinary maps.

I Dare You!

A two-level arena, with lots of nooks and crannies on both levels. Watch the crossfire!

Kairn Pfhortress

A very large, extremely good-looking castle. Very nice lighting... Construction detail is on the order of Villa Banzai. Readme says it crashes 68K machines hard, with IZD not making a difference, but I had no problem on a Q800 running IZD. You'll probably need 4+ to keep the kill rates reasonable...

Need Pfhore Speed

A pretty slick little arena, with zippy platforms, a water cannon you can access from a couple of places, multiple exits from almost every area, and enough firepower to level Cleveland. Carnage should be high, with any number of players above one...

Wet Arena

A large, symmetrical arena with a central area that fills with water once the teleporters are used... Water height is such that if you miss the jump from dry spot to dry spot, your opponents will most likely kill you before you get out.

Cookin' With Pfhor 1.0.1

Wow, I'm not really sure what to say about this one. It's WAY too hard, so much so that in order to see all of it, I cheated. Maybe it's possible to get through it without cheating, but I don't think I've got that kind of time... OTOH, it's a really nicely designed level, with lots of new things every time you go through an area. There are a few misaligned textures, but nothing to yell about, and sounds are used well. Just when you think you're stuck, you come across that overlooked switch, or that hidden uplinK chip... and another door opens.

Frankenstein v1.0

A perfect example of why Bungie should never have unleashed the alien textureset on us...
