Browse Files

Ground Pounded

What a fun map this was....I really enjoyed this level..just playing it solo! You will need to download this, if for no other reason, just to release some stress.

Three Shots of Whiskey v1.1

A very, very large net level. This thing just keeps going and going. The author seems to like small, 4 to 5 sided rooms for weapons. Ammo is no problem, but, you will have to hunt for the weapons.

Abbe Surcum Delar Quen

Visually a stunning map. The choice of textures along with the use of lava really makes this map stand out. A small KotH nete map that is ideal for 4 players.

Dr. Richards Ring (evil)

A medium sized net level that will absolutely drive you nuts trying to figure out the 5D space tricks.

Morphine 2

A large "Evil" net level with enough ammo and weapons to house any large group. Elevated ledges along the walls lead to some secrets/sniper perchs along with a outside corridor that is borders two of the arena walls.

Rockets of Fury v3

•This patcher will turn your Bob's in to Rocket toting marines, with deadly accuracy.

•Perfect for training (especially after Keyboard -> Mouse conversion!)

Cheese Steak v1.0

Another very good net map from Gary Iams. This one is fast and loaded with some goodies for all players.

Employed For Life v1.2

A completely large but centralized map that's great for KoTh. Some interesting secrets and floor plans, makes for some interesting play. Good midair shots are possible in this map.

Screaming Orgasm

Visually exciting and lively, this map is very good. Done with the Jjaro texture set with some powerful lighting effects, this map was fun! Check out our film from our last fest! Supports all net modes but ball is not recommended due to some sewage rivers.

The One and Only v1.01

This is a wild ride in and around and at the bottom of a compact outpost on a mountain. Small and best for 2-4 players it can also be played solo. Has some wild lighting effects as well as some wierd floor plans. Worth a look.

Fm: Roam

Roam is a concept map I came up with while trying to get to sleep. I was thinking, "Wow, wonder what it would be like if we played a King of the Hill map where the hill kept changing locations during play."

Evil Films Pack 6

Submitted by: DuKK of #marathon

All use the standard official EVIL Netmaps.

Evil Films Pack 7

Submitted by: Anonymous

All use the standard official EVIL Netmaps.

These are mostly of the map ClanWar with 8 players doing two teams. Pretty good on showing how the map can be played effectivly... notice when the team members cooperate to flood a hill and lower another... really funny to see the other team fry in boiling lava :)

Fm: Nukedome

This... is Nukedome.

Hell to live, hell for fun.

Watch your side.

Watch your front.

Watch your ass.

JS Vid's Evil

Some Marathon Evil films in the Vidmaster Tradition on We Be Ground Pounders and Hackers

Fm: Rancid OJ

This map is made for every type of play, including solo carnage fun. It also has a deadly hill... where some might feel over confident with the cubby area they can hide around, but any well executed spnkr shot will kill them...

Evil Films Pack 5

Submitted by: Grayphics

Maps Needed:

Infinity Map file, and also the Coriolis Loop Map file. A single other map is included.

These are films from the Grayphics Marathon Tourny (GMT)97. They are fast paced, and full of great stuff. They played a bit of games with EVIL, so I am posting the Evil only films for your viewing enjoyment.

Mike's Netmap

A medium sized netmap for the Evil application. Most of this map is corridors and hallways with the majority of them submerged under media.

Forge102 -> EvilForge102 v1.0

This patcher is for folks whose Infinity CD has Forge 1.0.2 on it. The older Infinity CDs have version 1.0.1 on them, so be sure to check which version you have first.

Forge104 -> EvilForge104 v1.0

This version of the patcher has hardly been tested at all. The EVIL Group used Forge for EVIL 1.02, so that is very sturdy, but due to popular demand I whipped this patcher up real quick, leaving out some of the time consuming v1.02 bells and whistles.
