Browse Files

Evil-Plague Maps Pack v2.0

Four maps, Plague Planet, Winds, Water and Thunder. Some of these levels are very similiar to some you might have seen before. They are all nicely constructed.


A large circular arena, with three (or maybe four, depending on how you count) levels. Flow is pretty good, especially with 3+ players. The changing sewage level seems a bit superfluous... but that could just be me.


A rambling level, with several areas all opening on a small arena. Secret (or almost secret) areas offset by the danger/ damage needed to get to them.


Underwater, most of the time. Upside: it's an evil map, so you've got pfhor staffs.

Box Of Chocolates

This is really set up as a coop level, shoot everything that moves level, but you can play it alone, if you like. Sort of a plot, but mostly, it's just run-around-and-kill-everything.

Circularium v1.0f

A multilevel circular arena, with good flow, nice weapons allotment, and good level design. Works best with 3-5, but 2 could play if they don't mind chasing each other.

Dr' Kurr Station

A huge, mostly symmetrical level based around a central open area. (I'd hesitate to call it an arena, since it's full of holes dropping into the sewers below...) Level design is quite attractive, with lots of care shown to details.

Evil-3 of 1

Quite nice... 5 levels, sorta. The first is simply an intro, to get everyone on the same wavelength. The next 3 are a netloop... each is small, complex, with fantastic flow.

Evil-Anorexic Sacrifice v1.1

Jeff Swartz is definitely a mapmaker to watch. This is a big level, but moving around is just beautiful.

Evil-Argonaut's Tomb v1.0

Totally Terrific Tomb! What a handsome, well designed layout in an EMFH attitude. Large square area, Tomb Shaped, with many, many offshoots; elevators & sniper slots all over, and a 2x affectionately known as 'easy pickings'.

Evil-Atomic TV

Talk about getting lost! Vast space for game play, very complex map best suited for EMFH, supports all play but KOTH. Complex layout for multiple players, 3 at minimum.

Evil-Castle Nemesis

A large, central arena with lots of room for carnage shoots. The author states he made this on a fast Mac, you will be able to tell real fast, the central area is very complex and the faster your Mac is, the better this map will be. Supports all net modes and best for large groups.

Evil-Crushed Hope v1.1

Another of Nick's so many aliens I can't even play solo Maps! A Pfhor Water Reclamation Plant, not too large an area but supports up to 8 players (may be a bit crowded) with KOTH, Ball and of course, Carnage.

Evil-Death Zone

A very large arena level. The inner hall or area is the main arena and the outer areas are the killing zones. Some very unique design and you will need a large group or it will be slow. Supports EmfH and would be playable with smaller groups on KoTh.
