Corridors, upper & lower levels, sniper spots, sewage swims, TP's, all here. Aliens for solo. Supports all play but KOTH. Fast & furious, you will be movin'. Re-con for sure.
Now here's a little ditty that will have you guessing just what it is; Net? Mission? Scenario? Starts in a very large square arena with enough ammo for the ROTC crowd.
A netpak consisting of 10 maps. These are the Evil versions but they haven't just been ported over to Evil. He has gone thru and worked on Object Placement.
This map is all over the map! Big! Small! Corridors, ledges, elevators, lava reservoir, dark, light! Aliens for solo. Supports 4+, all modes of play. KOTH is kinda cool though.
Another very good Evil map from R.Dierkes. As with all of the maps from this author he always gives you multi-levels within levels. This one includes some very good design and flow, great ideas and as always, some very good placement of weapons and ammo. Supports EmfH and KoTh.
One of Jeff's earlier maps. This one is a very open level that has tons of room for all out carnage. Lava textures with some baddies added for solo practice.
BIG map. Supports any type play (Read Me) with KOTH clearly defined. Large area contains water medium, open perimeter passageways in a fairly square arena setting.