Browse Files

Two Tides a Swingin'

A rather convoluted water-filled map, with the rhythm non-trivial to learn... but once you've got it down, this is a pretty cool map for medium to large groups.

Evil-Towers of Light v1.2

Four towers surround an open arena. The cool thing about this map is that when a tower is occupied, it's lit up (both inside and outside).

Obituary (Evil) v1.1

A nice arena with a raised hill, and side passages for added flow. Death rates get quite high when players can shoot across altitudes...

Act of Violence

A small square arena with a pit surrounded by a ledge, four pillars, and four rooms. Vacubobs and devlins will duke it out in the pit... you can watch, or you can jump in for the nuke guns.

Bungie Maps Turned EVIL

Three Infinity net levels (Duality, Morpfhine, and 'Fugee Camp) retextured (and weaponed) for Evil. Nicely done... Morpfhine with nuke guns is a blast!

Patio De Recreo El Diablo

In the author's words, a "glorified Return to Thunderdome". (That's like saying that the Titanic is a glorified rowboat, but who am I to disagree with an author?) Designed as a "net simulator" (which means it requires the Rockets of Fury Shapes patch to turn bobs into rocket-totin' cowboys), it pits you against a passel of nasty bobs in a gorgeous, fast-moving arena. Look for the additions... some of them are truly spectacular. (There's a texture that probably shouldn't have been used as a landscape texture, but it's really my only gripe.) I found carnage rates to be pretty high playing ag...

Wild Thing's 5 Little Piggies

A 5-level Nethop, although I'm not sure what happens when 4 of the maps use standard evil physics, and the first one uses a custom model... In any case, these are really well-constructed levels.

Evil-When You Dance

A small, tight map, with no open space other than corridors. One autogun to keep you on your toes... and be aware that most of the weapons/ammo are in the small rooms, not in the corridors. Interesting physics model.

"Forth, Standoffish"

Package includes two films both of which show solo play against Rocket Bob's. KOTH play with a very difficult Hill to defend. Will support two players, crowded at 6.

Evil: Polygonal Carnage

Polygons is right! Many many many, tied together in water medium. Slim ammo, freestanding islands to defend as perhaps little bitty KOTHs type play.

Aye D'No (evil)

Up, down, around, and around. And around. Lots of staircases, lots of tight passageways, but plenty of open space, as well.

Dark Skies Below (evil)

Arena type play, large area should support 6-8+ players. Transport Room along with scattered teleporters. Elevators, stairs, no rechargers but life canisters for your refreshment.
