February 1999

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April 1999

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Primal Chaos

A small rectangular arena with a door in each corner leading to an encircling corridor where teleporters will transport you back to ledges overlooking the arena. Due to it's small size, pretty high carnage rates are achieved. Suitable for 2-4 players.

Prisoners of the Tower

A very complicated map, with lots and lots and lots of secrets. Too many slow-moving elevators for my taste, but if you're willing to take the time to get to know this map, you will find that there are a myriad of ways to kill your friends. As the author says, "the map is your weapon."

Spider Web v1.0.1

A central arena surrounded by two interlinked, enclosed corridors in a 'spiders web' design. There are no doors or platforms to get in the way here, so the action can get pretty fast and furious. This one is big enough to support 8 players, but the ammo would be a little light for the trigger happy. M2 compatible for KotH and EMfH games.

Stone Forest

A medium sized circular arena, covered with a regular grid of tall pillars (the stone forest). The center of the arena contains a shallow water filled trough forming the hill with shield rechargers on either side. Suicide rates are bound to be high. Watch for the teleporters to get a better vantage point over the arena.

The Pain Years v1.0

A circular arena with lots of shallow staircases in rings around it. Decent flow.

The Pfhor Stages of Death

A grid of narrow corridors with a crusher room in each corner that is pressure operated, or can be locked down on your opponents. A slightly 5D space corridor leads out from the grid to a medium sized arena that forms the hill and initially holds some of the heavier weaponary.

The Waters of Fortune?

A large, castle-like structure, overlooking and surrounded by a water filled moat. The large arena inside the castle has a central pool that leads outside through underwater tunnels, and four towers rising up from the moat area provide passageways back inside. The mono, sand-colored texturing can make it difficult to judge distances, although there's a lot of lighting/shadow detail, which helps out. A second copy of the map is set up with portions of the lighting changing from daylight to night time over a period of minutes, leading to different styles of play. There's a couple of larg...

Zig Eddy Maps

Three levels, all pretty large. The texture choices might give you a headache after a while, and small groups would have trouble staying busy, but for bigger groups, these can be fun. The third one, especially, shows some real promise. (Anyone who'd take the time to write "Kill" in scenery has way too much time on their hands...)

Dispatch Map

Four map levels here; one solo, two net (sort of) and one novelty. This is from/is the original Dispatch scenario (#1) for solo play called Up Periscope. Pattern Buffer in a Net game? Next level (cmd/cntrl) opens to a Tau Cetu intro screen and it's a map you've seen but now called Speed Bump, amount of ammo suggests net play. Level three (cmd/cntrl) is Bob's Screen Saver, just let it run, don't play. Pretty amusing. Up Periscope (4) is a shortened version of longer Up Periscope, but in water medium with Troopers & PB

K'Parral Arena v1.2

A small map in the Everyone's Mortal But Me style. Nice flow, with fast-moving elevators to get you on the hill, well-judged heights, and good cover potential. Weapons are limited to fusion pistols and the occasional spnkr... groups of more than 3 might find ammo to be a problem. Oh, yeah, and if you leave aliens on, you might have some trouble keeping an eye on your friends... Update changes the aliens present from jugs to hummers (still need to watch 'em, though...) and ups the ammo quite a bit. (Adds assault rifles, as well.)
