February 8, 1999


"Pfhor One Bullet, Pfhor Two"

Arena, but a very complex one. All the elements; water, stairs, elevators, Mr. Luby rarely disappoints. One little thing though, every stripe alien is here and they’re mean. You will be very busy playing this map which says it can support up to 8 players & recommends four. Every man for himself play.

3 New/Old Monsters

A merged physics file demonstrates the 3 new ambient monsters found in infinity. Mothra, the Potatoanus and the Grendelbeast.

Air Combat

No air here. Different concept; large oval, you are underwater, totally. Weapons fire & are available floating above you. Air is not a problem. Read me is a pict with directions for swimming; hey, we all know how to do that! This is interesting. Comes with a lid/cover on pool so you're not going anywhere but staying & blasting away. Couple of hidey holes inside some columns.

An Ancient Battle

Arena type with four bases and peopled (peopled?) with every assortment of alien to come down the pike. This is a fine map, supports up to 8, probably better with 4-6. Also supports solo play. Good Deal here.

Anarchy v2.2

Complex rectangle, Arena style. Stairs up; & up more, down, & down more. Lava medium pool, really hard to get out of. Transporters everywhere; labyrinth in the basement, 2x available, assorted aliens and whacked-out Bobs galore. In summary, this is a kick-ass layout! Fun for solo, excellent for up to 8 players.

Arena Green

Green is the sewage pool in center. Raised ledges, ammo rooms, but, if you get shoved into the sewage, no damage. Dude! You can walk on water! Fast play, round & round.

Artificial Intelligence

Two rooms with different ways of killing bobs. It is pretty amusing to watch them waste themselves... amazing what you can make 'em do. Nice construction, as well.
