Browse Files

Izzy's Pizza v1.0

A big central waterfilled room, with passages off it in various directions and at various heights. Because the main room is waterfilled, there isn't much sniping to do... most firefights seem to happen in the side passages (and there aren't really enough exits...)

Joel, Slayer of Trees v2.0

Almost all the bobs have been pulled, and a few secrets have been added. A much better map than the last version. Still works best with small groups...

Mineshaft v2.0

A little loop of a map, with a great mineshaft as one arm. Great place for ambushes! Update adds quite a bit to the mines... lots of places to hide, lots of stuff to find.

P Pfhunk

8 Maps. (Well, 7.) The first 5 are M2 ports of the Pfhunky Pfhive collection (and a pretty good job, although there's some nasty texture smearing on Motion Sickness), and the last two are new levels (one original, one yet another port of Waldo World). Snazzy lighting (like the first version).


A very cool little arena which is more than it looks, due to some funky 5D stuff. Great flow, and it'll keep your group busy, even if you're small (we had fun with just two).

Are you Yeti to Rumble?

A standard small arena, except for the Yeti room... they don't seem to attack, as long as you stay on the ledge. Also contains some pretty disorienting elevators (ever see a river jump?).

Inpfhorno v3.0

A slick little arena. Very slow on 040 machines, but pretty nonetheless. Sort of a glorified Thunderdome (okay, very glorified). Watch the lava...

M2 Fodder Wall

A nice conversion of a Mike Neylon M1 map. Lighter than the original, I think... has an added water pit below the stairs, but I've found it's pretty hard to hit, at least from the top.


Thunderdome with a large pool in the center. I'm not sure if it still has a hill... The arrows in the side rooms are fun.

You Don't Need to See my ID

A pretty straightforward port of the M1 Bungie net level. It would have been nicer if the fighters had been mapped back to fighters, instead of left as ticks... they're pretty annoying.

100% UESC Choice Carnage

Very dark arena, with a sniper ledge running around the top edge. Very nice flow-there are multiple ways to get to most spots.


Huge, and rambling. Random teleporters in hallways (check your map). Says it's a net map, but you'd need about 15 just to find each other...

Bik's Net Maps

Well, they're nothing much to look at, but they play quite well. Heavy reliance on elevators. Some nice concept maps (Evilution contains randomly appearing walls, which can act as aid or hindrance, depending on how well you judged their reappearance frequency...).

Gladiators (m2)

Very simple map. (Comes in two versions-one for two-person net play, one for solo play.) Basically, it's very similar to Evan Vetere's Joust- each player tries to knock the other off his platform into the lava below. Solo version substitutes a trooper for your net opponent.

It's Not Easy Being...Red?!

A port of Mike Neylon's It's Not Easy Being Green. M2 is a bit short on green textures, so this one's mostly red... a pretty nice job.

Moonlight Skirmish

A pretty straightforward arena, with a small tower in the center. (It's not set up for KOH, but if it were, the hill would be pretty difficult to reach. There are other reasons to go up there, though...) Comes in two versions (with and without aliens), and with a physics model to make the aliens less nasty.

NY Subway

Modeled after the Union Square IRT station in New York City, this is one of the better renditions of a real subway... requires Ignore Zero Divides on 68K macs. Not really new, just new to this site.

Reservoir Dogs

This is a pretty fun map... lots of switches change the flow through various sections... some areas are only accessible via water, some become inaccessible until a switch gets flipped again. Nice water effects. .

The Towers 3

A pretty standard arena, with some pillars which can be used as vantage points. Really slow on 68K macs (probably because it's so open), and the lack of texture alignment is jarring.
