Created by Damon Holmes

Kleptomania v1.0

Lots of passageways and stairs, with one Spanker (hence the name).

Vermicide v1.1

Another very nice small arena. Well thought-out in terms of movement... for example, you can't jump straight into the center from one of the side passages (but there are a few non-direct routes...) Our experience was that this little feature gave the hill guy that extra second to get a shot off... until people got used to the layout. Update tweaks textures, sounds, placement, and adds a room.

All Too Easy v1.1

A nice wheel-like ring, but you can shoot through the inside wall of the outer ring across the center. Made for KOH, but be careful... the Hill is surrounded by polys that'll teleport you into a bob-crusher you can't escape from. One good grenade at someone standing on the hill is usually enough to knock them into the bob-crusher circle, if they don't start moving immediately. Update is no longer 68K-clean, but has some lighting updates.

Joel, Slayer of Trees v2.0

Almost all the bobs have been pulled, and a few secrets have been added. A much better map than the last version. Still works best with small groups...

Can You Fly, Bobby? v1.1

A simple arena with a bunch of teleporters. Be in the right place, and you can take 'em out as they 'port in... Update cleans up some stuff, adds a few tweaks.

I Hate Crossword Puzzles

Designed to look like-yep, you guessed it-a crossword puzzle. From the included films, it seems to work okay, flowwise.