Browse Files

Orbis (evil)

An open arena, with a couple of satellite rooms. A good demo of the circular powers of Chisel.

Pfhlunk v1.0

Bigger than it looks at first glance. Very dark (until you find the lights), and very light on ammo (until you find the secret areas).

Platform Fun v3.0

Platforms acting as walls constantly change the shape of the playing field, providing differing paths for getting to your objective. Not much to look at, but can be fun to play.


A large, sprawling level with a variety of area types. Open arenas, tight corridors, sniper ledges... should provide any large group with plenty of areas to kill each other.

Prison Tower

A central building with some very confusing insides, and a few outer passageways. Hard to get used to.

Rj's maps (infinity)

10 levels, designed to be played solo (although not together). A bit linear at first... but good for a bit of carnage, if that's what you're looking for. No real plot on any of 'em.

Rj's maps (m2)

8 levels, designed to be played solo (although not together). (These are 8 of the 19 in the Infinity version.) A bit linear at first... but good for a bit of carnage, if that's what you're looking for. No real plot on any of 'em.

Sniper's Dream

A multilevel arena, with access to the hill only from the outside ring. Favors the player who can run and aim up...

Sniper's Dream v2.0

Sort of in the vein of Everybody's Mortal But Me, but with way more complexity. A central hill, in the middle of a raised cross... with lots of platforms (all nicely fast) and lots of teleporters (easy to figure out)-flow is superb, plenty of weapons... carnage should be really high.


An open arena with a moat-surrounded low hill (you can get there from the ground, but not from the moat). Outer stairs lead to sniper perches... as the title implies, the emphasis is on spnkrs.

Sphere of Carcasses

A tower, surrounded by a lava-filled moat. You can leave the tower to grab the big weapons, but the bridges are narrow... careful firing that spnkr, you might end up in the drink!

Srea v1.0

Another chisel-influenced level. Lots of concentric circles... with some neat flow in the center.

The Altar

A big level, starting in a really dark room, with access to brighter areas. Some neat tricks, but the flooding one causes some nasty smearing... Also available in an Evil flavor.

The Altar (evil)

A big level, starting in a really dark room, with access to brighter areas. Some neat tricks, but the flooding one causes some nasty smearing... Also available in an Infinity flavor.

The Crossing v1.1

An upgrade of The Crossing. Nothing major, but it plays quite nicely now.

The Lost Hero Preview

The first 5 levels of a purported 30 level scenario. Hard to say, since if you want the other 25 levels, you need to send money to the author... and these 5 just aren't good enough for that. Whatever... they'll give you a few minutes of blasting fun. (He really should learn about how to make doors look good in rooms taller than 1 wu...)
