Browse Files


A very good large net map with some very cool water tricks. Just like the name suggests, this map has a central hill, or water chute that will take you up to the top where you can pick one of five chutes to be shot out of. The end of this roller coaster takes you to one of the sniper perches located at the top of the walls that enclose the arena. Will support several net modes but best suited for KotH. A very good download, just for the water tricks if for no other reason.

Stay Alive v1.1

A multi level large KOtH map. A square hill surrounded by a small arena with a few pillars that can get in the way if you use the spnkr a lot. A enclosed ring wraps around the arena with elevators to a upper ring that wraps the whole map. A enclosed passageway from the upper ring takes you directly to the hill. The elevators are set at a great speed and their is enough ammo/weapons for 6 to 8. Few sounds to speak of, but, this one is optimized for speed and flow. Even on the longest line of sight I got very good results. A few misaligned textures and some sharp angles, but a fast map with ...

The Legend of Carnage

A very large open air arena with a pretty big hill located in the middle. The arena that surrounds the hill is 2 W.U. lower and filled with chest high sewage. There is a outside ring that wraps around the arena that is elevated above the whole arena. It seems that this is another redo of two other maps submitted today, but, this is the better one of the three. Comes with baddies which will allow you to practice staying alive. There's a lot of them.

Water Land Map v1.2

A net map that really is made up of some very large rooms. Based on the water texture/pfhor sets, this map is loaded for all out carnage and some good KoftH play. It was made by 4 young men that are students of Richard Dierkes. They would really like some feedback so please take the time to email them and let them know. Designed for KoftH, the light texture poly in the middle fits well with the construction idea. Of course, this is their first map and for fourth graders--not too bad. Download it and give it a look.

What's Love Got To Do With It v1.1

A large outdoor arena map with a hill, well, a quasi hill placed towards the middle. Almost a outdoor version of the Stay Alive map, this one is fast too, but, the elevators are at different heights when they zip you up to the ring. Thus, flow is severely disrupted while you wait to take another ride. Some very sharp angles on some of the polys could have been avoided. Same texture choices as the map listed earlier, but overall, a pretty good effort. Will support KoTH and EMFH.A previously released map at the archive. This update now fixes some elevators and a few other tweaks.

Wisdom of Old Frustration v3.0

nother good map from Richard Dierkes. This is a large net level, but if you looked at it as it is laid out, it is really three levels that run perpendicular to the others. Richard has made some very good maps that have been posted here at the archive, this one seems to have every detail idea he had thrown into one map. At times, I felt very claustrophobic, but, once you get the lay out down...there are some really cool tricks with this one. Be careful while you recharge, this author has NEVER made a safe recharge poly.
