Wisdom of Old Frustration v3.0

nother good map from Richard Dierkes. This is a large net level, but if you looked at it as it is laid out, it is really three levels that run perpendicular to the others. Richard has made some very good maps that have been posted here at the archive, this one seems to have every detail idea he had thrown into one map. At times, I felt very claustrophobic, but, once you get the lay out down...there are some really cool tricks with this one. Be careful while you recharge, this author has NEVER made a safe recharge poly, and this time you will be caught by surprise if another net player has any idea of the functions of the switches. (cool trick-not new, but I personally haven't seen it in a net map). The flow on the lowest level is pretty good, and on the other levels I personally just tried to get a feel for where I was. This will support a few net modes, rather fast for the amount of detail, and some pretty neat choices of textures at times. So take the time to check out the detail with this one and please email the author, he would really like to hear your comments.

Levels in map "Wisdom of Old Frustration v3":
The Wisdom of Old Frustration v3