Browse Files

Lunacy Cubed v1.1

Hey, this is pretty good! Supports solo play & up to 8 players. You will be busy as this handsome well-thought map is full of ‘tweaked’ Troopers, a bad, bad Jugger & other assorted nasties. Recharger for super shields sure is a good idea! Sounds are familiar but we always liked those sounds anyway. Too funny, when you finally eat it, just lay still & watch the action, those crazy kids keep creaming one another! KaBlam! Pow!

Netropolis v1.1

Nice little 5D map. Flow's great, ammo is, um, plentiful. (If Bungie had built in support for 16 players, it'd still be plentiful.) Textures... well, I don't like the Pfhor set on principle, so don't ask me about the textures.

Ouch! Woman

A small two-level 5D arena. the stairs can be a little hard to get into from the top, especially if you're in a hurry... and the explodabobs are really annoying.

Pfhorcade v1.0

A pretty cool little map... Narrow catwalks sit filled with spnkrs and 3x canisters stand above pits with teleporters. The teleporters lead to crushing rooms... so the key is staying on the catwalks. (Because of the 3x canisters, kills will probably be much lower than deaths.) Comes with a film in which RuGGeR whales on Pezman...

Veil of Maya

A very enjoyable 7 (or 4, if you want to count real levels) level scenario. A bit linear at times, but always with lots to kill, and a decent amount of ammo to kill it with. Gives a very satisfying feeling to finish. Gets two thumbs-up from the BattleCat. (And from me, as well...)

CMCT Netmap Pak

A very good map pak from the Califormia Marathon Carnage Team. 10 net levels in all, with 4 by Stephen Richie that have never been released. These are some very fine maps. Worth the download, supports all net modes.

Leelas Return 1.0.5

Herr Grund apologizes for the all-German text in the terms, however, if you look at your Map, the level titles are in English. Three levels, and you better put on your running shoes and carry your balance pole! This player, due to the German text, doesn't know whether we talked to Leela or not. Always did like that gentle & helpful AI (Durandal was such a rampant rat!). This is a very challenging scenario to get into, bonk on the head, glub over the head, that kind of thing. But well worth the download. Good Map Making, somewhat standard, but a challenge as well.

Menkalinan! 2.0

An okay 3 (or 4) level scenario, with a pretty bizarre plot. (Well, bizarre might be the wrong word... but it seems to evolve with each level. (The readme suggests this might be the case...) Gameplay is pretty linear, but it'll keep you shooting stuff for a while, and that's the point, right?

Sym1Trikzzh Arena

Looks like it might have started life as Duality, but it sure ain't anything like that map now! If everyone stays in the central area, this map would be comfortable with as few as 3. Start exploring, though, and 8 might get lost... A few nice secrets, for those who find 'em.

Balance of Terror

Hmm... this one's not really classifiable. It's designed as a teams map, with very fixed goals. On the plus side, the goals seem pretty cool, the level design is quite good, and weapons layout has been very well thought out. On the minus side, if the goals are used, a game will be a minimum of 25-40 minutes long, which is a bit much for most groups, the map is really, really big, making getting lost quite easy, and the whole thing has some quirks.

Anyone seen the cork lately? v1.1

Arena style for up to 8 players. Water medium in large central room one can see from windows on surrounding pathway. Supports KOH, KMWTB & Tag. Crusher room, ouch, it's bad. Spacious, author says the more the merrier.


This has to be one of the largest, most complex net levels I have seen. It is really not a net level, although there are many starting points. I believe that the author has put into this level just about everything you could think of. There are some bugs, a couple of untextered sides, some polys not being assigned "alien impassable", but when you download this thing, you will play forever. Some very good visual ideas, but, almost "overkill" in some ways. This author deserves some email, download it, give it a try and let him know.

Crumpet Monkey v1.4

At first this set of levels looked very familiar. Make sure to take the time to read the "read me". A net hopper that has some really neat tricks. I remember this authors levels due to the doors that open at a angle. When you start on the first level, you;ll know what I mean. Five levels in all, some nice geometry, some nice flow and I only found one dead end on the 4th level. Supports many net modes and will hold up to 8.

Did You Get That Number? v2.2

Very straightforward map. Recommends 2-8 players or more. Huge Read Me which leads you to believe there's more here than there really is. Stairways (one or two?), sniper spots. Author would like feedback & Films.

Gallery of Death

A large, open map with 6 featureless areas linked by catwalks and passageways. Not much in the way of eye-candy, but I suppose the flow's okay.
