Browse Files


A very large round net level with a large raised tower in the middle. The outside ring is consistent with platforms that raise and lower you to the different heights of the outside wall of the map. Many doors on the upper levels take you to under ground sewage passage ways and transporters to other ledges on the outside ring..Due to the shear number of polys this thing is built on, it ran a little jerky at times, but enough ammo and space for 8. KOTH or EMFH net modes fit s this one very well.

Dead Meat Walking

A single level solo map that is quite linear at times, or at least it felt that way. This author is off to a good start here, some very large rooms with alot of space for more detail maybe in the future. (hint) Check everything at the very beginning, there is a way out. Some monsters needed different tags, they were great target practice though.

Let's Go Blow Up Daddy v. 1.1

A very good large pfhor net map. A center hub that acts as the hill and 4 spokes that connect to it. The spokes connect to a outer ring that is on a lower level surrounding the hub.

Everybody Samba!!!

Everybody Samba!!! consists of two medium sized arenas with a couple of smaller side rooms. One of the arenas contains a raised tower as the hill. Ammo was initially tight, but in the previous update it was more evenly distributed - it's still fun trying to get to the heavy stuff in the Exploda-BoB room while watching your back for other players. This version changes the level to the Jjarro texture set and adds sounds.

Carnagey Hall

A medium sized rectangular level that despite the polygon effects is still pretty fast. A raised walkway around the edge and across the middle of the lowered carnage area provides for some high carnage totals. Again the author suggest using the "DASH" sounds patch along with the game.


A small solo level that one should not play if you have a headache. The author suggest's this in the readme and he is telling the truth. The entire level is made up of platforms that are constantly moving and you goal is to try to stay alive against the BoBs. BoB's is not what they seem thanks to the physics model that comes with this level. I doubt if this could be a net level, thus the solo tag. Two versions, one with a lower ceiling and a different hill, if that's what you want to call it.

Dash's Sound Patch

A very good sound patch that was made by the author to fit a dance type of net level. It also has some other techno sounds added to it.

Niagarena Falls

A very large net level that has some neat tricks to it. A couple of water chutes (cannons), a couple of transporters and some very deep and big water areas. Just like the title suggests. No Flechette, the author did this on purpose so the level would play in Marathon 2 as well. You will have to go swimming to get the guns you need, and ammo.

Potato Ball

A good idea that seems to be the thing to do right now. A small arena complete with a audience (aliens) in the bleachers and with 2 blue s'pht as ticket takers. Sounds interesting, huh?? Those Potatoanus' are the balls and you job is to blast it into the opposing goal. You start in the locker area right next to the showers, then you progress by the concession stand and then into the arena. Pretty fun if this is your type of Marathon.


This is a cool map. A very big large net level that has a opening splash screen of "Let's Dance". From this point on you will be really inspired to start making maps. The visual design of this map is excellent and you will really feel like you are in a techno-club. You can try this one solo but even with eight it is going to take some patience. Along with the theme of the map the "dash" sound patch fits right in, and it fits very well. The whole map is built on a techno-rave dance club theme and the extras that you get are gr...

The Collective 1.3

A pretty good three level solo scenario. The first level will tax you and don't feel alone if you find yourself standing in the beginning room scratching your head. We've been there too. The second level has some good tricks in it. This update fixes a major smear when the "flood" happens. The third level is lava based. Save everywhere you can, you'll need it. Some tightness at times and some homogeneous textures in some areas, but not bad when you consider the tricks that are added into the second level. The pfhor fighters come in a different color-worth the download.

this update ad...

The Wishin' Well

A medium sized net level with some very good detail work. Four elevated towers (platforms) are your reward for going down into the well. EMFH would be best for this one. Some nice visual ideas. Check out the textures on the stairs.

Go To Hill

Probably best designed for KOTH, tag or KTMWTB. A very large net map with enough nooks and crannies that less than 5, would make it real slow. Some 5D with this one that made for some cool visual effects. The Hill is accessible through levels or ledges. No sounds to speak of.

MI Carnage Palace Deee-Luxe

A very good port of the Bungie level Carnage Palace Deee-Luxe. The texture set gives it just the right touch. Fast carnage or hide out to blast away.


Just what the title suggests. It's been a while since I went to the map mode this many times while going through a net map. Secrets with this one that has some pretty good rewards. But, again would only support a few net modes and so large that it would be slow with small groups. With 7 or 8 it would probably be fast due to the sheer size of this thing. Some of the textures lend themselves to be confusing at times. No sounds to speak of.

Firehill v1.0

A very large net map that is very well constructed IMO. This arena is BIG, and the ring that wraps around gives the effect that it is a long way until you get to the next door (also the width of them will provide for some easy spnkr kills). 4 doors open into the ring (north south east west) with a lava pit in the middle for the hill. A map that I really liked, since I dig tons of room to play net games in.

Not Everyone's Mortal

A port of the Marathon 2, "Everyones Mortal But Me". This port adds a ring around the arena from the standard transport perches with some ammo and a couple of secrets.

Rocket Launcher Marine Patch 1.1

A good update of a very good bob patch. As you can probably tell this turns your regular bobs, not the fusion bobs, into a totin Marine with a SPNKR'. He's pretty deadly and with the new update you now get a marine in the violet mode.

Spankers Map Sixpack

A really different type of net maps. The read me alone was quite different and I must say enjoyable. Not since the Hell Hole read me has one been so detailed. These maps will hold from 2 to 8 players. They are titled Double The Luck, Space Crap, Stop, The Complex, The Gutter and The Lavawood Bowl. Some of these were very well constructed. Take a look and see for yourself. I liked The Gutter the best--great idea here!!

The Big Game 1.0

More of a non participatory map. You open up rooms that connected off of a main arena, and watch a bunch of baddies go at it. Some of the read me sounded awful familiar.....kind of fun if this is your type of game
