Browse Files

Go To Hill

Probably best designed for KOTH, tag or KTMWTB. A very large net map with enough nooks and crannies that less than 5, would make it real slow. Some 5D with this one that made for some cool visual effects. The Hill is accessible through levels or ledges. No sounds to speak of.

MI Carnage Palace Deee-Luxe

A very good port of the Bungie level Carnage Palace Deee-Luxe. The texture set gives it just the right touch. Fast carnage or hide out to blast away.


Just what the title suggests. It's been a while since I went to the map mode this many times while going through a net map. Secrets with this one that has some pretty good rewards. But, again would only support a few net modes and so large that it would be slow with small groups. With 7 or 8 it would probably be fast due to the sheer size of this thing. Some of the textures lend themselves to be confusing at times. No sounds to speak of.