Browse Files

The New Core (G5 or better) v1.0

A newer - and, I hope, better - version of my old map 'The Core (G4 or better)'. New in this version: An upper level, a light switch, and a user controlable gravity lift (requires included MML script). Hope you like it. See the read-me for information on how to install the MML script.

Rock the Boat v1.0

Garunteed to cause more deaths per minute than any other map I've ever made!

Ghost of 7's v0.9

You thought I had forgotten about these didnt you? 21 more polygons to add to the collection.

The King Always Wins 2.2

The ancient ruins of Castle N'hol. Fight each other to the death! For Marathon: EVIL!

Sun Circle v1.2

Since the last one sucked so much, I decided to get eltwixxo to fix it up for me.

Game levels Reunite! v1.0

1. From counter-strike.

2. From Meteor blade.

3. From marathon infinity solo level.

Root Square II v2.0

A vastly improved version of the classic "Root Square" map, with larger open spaces, elevators, more textures and much better weapons/ammo placement.

The 6th floor v1.0

Based from the school I currently studying , it's made on the sixth floor of the building inside.
