Browse Files


A small to mid size net level that is basically a wide open--open air arena. A couple of good sniper ledges acessed by teleporters along with some towers in the middle that serve as the hill for a good koTh map. The author is requesting feedback and filmes. so make sure to take a minute and let him know...

Show'em that You're a Tiger

A very, very large net map that is going to require a big group for it to be kept interesting. Some really good ideas in this level, big open connecting passageways that connect into a central open areana. The hill in the middle works well for KoTh. Due to it's design it works well with KtmWtB.. It would work great for this mode...

Temple of Zeus

A kill everything/practice level for the author of Amazoms and Robertas. This map works great with Amazons Deluxe or with the Bungie shapes. Some very tall, elevated platofrms inside of buildings. The buildings make up the different areas of the map and exploration is well worth your time..Not bad for a first endeavor...