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Octavius v1.0

A very good practice map that is used by the author to test all the physic models he receives for the physics model archive. This thing is not very big but you will have to keep moving and firing to stay alive. You could play it with aliens off for small net.....EMFH would probably be the best call with this one.

Speed Bump v1.9

A large net map designed for speed. When you first enter this map you can tell right off that it is not made to win accolades for texture choices or detail. Very large square arena with a hill , with some very large halls that are at different elevations that connect via the arena. A small wrapping, enclosed hallway wraps around the whole map. Speed was the issue here, email the author info so he can expand on his concept. You also get a screen saver level, pretty cool idea..where expload-da-bobs do a never ending suicide trick.


A well designed net level. Four outer pools surround this semi-oval map. Except for the media and some outer slow elevators to the outer ring, a fairly fast map with good flow. The hill is centered with a 4 sided pillar that acts as transporters. A very small ring wraps around that exposes itself at the corners. Then wrapping around that are the pools and landings in between. Geometry at times is very good and the long stairways from opposite ends of the map are well thought out for speed and fast access to the hill. Enough ammo and weapons for large groups, KOTH, EMFH and KTMWTB fit this.

The River Bed

A large one level net map that shows some very good attention to detail. Light sets, speed of the elevators and heights are all thought out in this map. EMFH seems to work best with this one. Definitely learn the map beforehand, lots of hiding places and corners, etc... Very good in construction and design.