A flamethrower level. For those who like the flamethrower (obviously). The best part of this is opening it up in Pfhorte. Has the most unjustifiably pompous (bar none) readme I've ever seen.
A large map, designed for (a pretty nasty) KOH game. The hill is a small, deep pit... Once you commit, you're in there until someone kills you. Pretty cool recharger... (it's not in the pit.)
Dave Turner, creator of the Rocket Trooper patch and co-creator of M1's Hutch, has recreated Mars Needs Women for M2. This isn't just a remake of the map...
A very subtle use of 5D (it's pretty easy to miss that you're actually in it). A small central pit with tiered hallways around it... the good stuff's pretty exposed, so be careful.
Again, Bungie's level cut down to net-playable size. Lots of nooks and crannies... just like the original. Only this time, it's your friends you need to worry about, not hunters...
A port of an M1 arena (by someone other than the original author). Still has great flow. All aliens have been removed. Update tweaks lighting (for the better), makes the hidden flamethrower available again.