Created by Unknown

Chucker Brawl

Another keeper. Large Arena with perimeter passageways for ammo, 1x & 2x, a couple of elevators, garden pathways. Supports KOTH, Ball, with a sniper outcrop to die for. Up to 8 players and is loaded with mean & nasty aliens for whiz bang solo play; includes a Jugger right there, in the middle of it all! Go ahead, fire your Launcher!. Remember, the Sph't are on your side. At some point lay back & watch everybody duke it out in middle of the Arena, too funny!

Dan's Underwater Grotto of Love

Didn't find love’ but did find a decent net map here. Dan must be responsible. Large square with two sides devoted to sniper ledges or perhaps could work for KOTH. Many small squares of f the larger one for ammo, transport, hiding out. Elevator, 1x & 2x. Due to smallish size would probably be fast if opponents don’t disappear in all the rooms.

Waterworld v3.0

Circular water arena with back hallways, switches below water to close off areas for hiding, maybe. Slim ammo, some doesn't register. No rechargers. Looks like those switches might work when dealing with more than one opponent.

Bedknobs & Broomsticks

Very nice symmetrical level design-a sort of a helix design with some bulbs at the end. With aliens off, a fantastic small net level. With aliens on, a really nice training level... gets your shooting up to snuff around corners and in tight places.

Bela Lugosi

From the very beginning you will get the impression of what the title of this map suggests. A very large room that has sub-rooms in the middle of it. The sub rooms are very tight and I mean tight! Teleporters take you from one room to the next but be careful, there is a ring of lava that surrounds the rooms. Large and wide corridors wrap the whole thing.

Classic Net Maps II

The same map pak as listed below, but, this is provided with Terminals. This is the Ultimate Hop Net Pak. You can hop levels with the terminals now. All 61 included.

Hammys Demise

A very large net level that is quite fast in spite of the sight of line areas. Some very tall and large arenas with maze like hallways that connect them. Some water pools and transporters come with this one. EMFH would be best, but this level is flat and very huge, so make sure you have 5 or more.

Hello Kittys Fun Time Toy Box

A pretty fun novelty type net map. This one gives you the weapons but not the ammo. The ammo is given to you when the aliens die....A strange but different type of map. Give it a try...
