Created by Unknown

Pfhorgotten Pfhortress

A small arena with some surrounding corridors. Lots of secrets, but there's a film to show them to you. Flow isn't bad...

McSlink's Net Maps

9 levels (in 6 maps). Generally very good flow, good object placement, lousy texture alignment. Two (heavily) modified Bungie levels.

Sky's The Limit v2.5

A nice, small, symmetrical arena. Flow is great, and the powerful stuff is a little off the beaten path.

Sneakers Maps

3 maps. Nearly impossible solo (too many aliens, not enough hiding places), but some nice flow mechanisms for net play.

Greg's Maps

7 levels. Quality really varies. Some are quite fun, though... Quag's Keep was very enjoyable, and the last level is just about impossible at normal.

Click Here for Enlightenment

Three maps, 5 levels. One three-pack, normal. The other two are variations on the same map. They both require the textures from the Canyonlands package, and the second one was designed with the Dogs of Pfhor package, as well.


A very simple map, but with a lot of potential. You start at the top, outside, and the only way to go is down and inside... very little room to maneuver, so he who shoots best wins.


Very symmetrical, very green, all travel goes one way. Nice weapons placement.

Control Your Destiny v1.0

Another modification of Waldo World. New textures, light switches, a control room, a teleporter maze... Not a bad job at all. (May need more players to be fun than Waldo World does, owing to its larger size.)
