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Dusk 'till Dawn

Great flow, great lights, very good construction and some very good object placement. To be honest when I first opened it, I said well ok, another media level. (and I really don't care for media levels) ...BUT, don't be so fast to judge......This one has some great design to it and for the size of it, it is quite fast........ Get It!!!!!! Enough said........(as you can tell I thought this one was pretty good!!!!) (Another one for a HOF, if I had it) BTW-once you start to play it you will understand why it is called Dusk till Dawn...

Focal Point

A small arena type map with steps that go down to the hill. A high carnage type map that would be absolutely great for KOTH. Textures are well selected, lights are placed well and the flow is very fast due to the size of the arena. In low res, this one still looked great and in high res, the colors with the choice of textures was absolutely great. Author says the map will support eight...It really doesn't matter how many though, this one will be fast and if you choose the cyborgs, well, give it a try and find out...

Pie In The Sky

Pie In The Sky is not a new map, but it's a very good map. KOTH is where's it's at here. Ammo is placed around the outer edges of the map while the hill is located in the middle. It's not a safe hill-sniper perches leave you a very vulnerable target. Some nice lighting allows you to hide in the shadows to elude enemy fire, but the low ceiling can cause cuncussions that will make your ears ring. How long can you stay on the hill before restocking your ammo? Teleporters are uniquely placed, as is the flame thrower. A extrememly balanced map that should provide hours of fun.


A large net level that has a "warehouse" type feel to it. Very tall ceilings lend themselves to what I thought would be some slow arena play, but the basic design is what keeps it fast. The illusion that this is bigger than it is, is quite good. This map, again, from the author that brought us Mirage, has some pretty cool novelty tricks built in. If you like spankrs' than this one is for you.

Ripcord v1.1

Ripcord is a very intense map, that's beautifully constructed, very realistically shaded, and packed full of ammo and weapons. I was amazed there wasn't too much detail for the engine to handle! Very meticulously created, Ripcord supports all modes of play-albeit a little spread out, while covering a small area. Corridors and recessed walls hold all sorts of surprises. The more players the better in this masterpiece.

Draquos House

A representation of the authors residence. Well, it's a good thing that your not given the spankr with this map. IT IS VERY TIGHT. Fists might be really good in this one, although there is plenty of weapons/ammo. Some cool construction with the different rooms. A small net map that is slow due to all of the doors, but you know that goin in.

Meth v1.1

A very large oval (round) shaped arena with some great construction and design ideas. You might think this one is just another net arena, but one look and you can tell that some time has been put into it. Some great sniper ledges.....Will support EMFH and a couple of other modes, and is designed for a minimum of 4 IMO.

Random Acts of Violence And Senseless Br

A large net level with some very good construction ideas. A round large arena that is wrapped by a spiral staircase around the edge. There are a couple of rooms on the outside of the ring, and some very ingenious object placements. The overall design is pretty good but your going to have to stretch for the ammo. Once you download it you'll know what I mean. (can be played solo, with some interesting kills)

Coriolis Loop

The new net maps from Double Aught. Carnage Soccer is one of many in this group. Only one is mentioned since I have received e-mail concerning the Soccer map.

Gironicorp v3.0.5

4 Levels that are tagged with some pretty cool names. Like the folks at Northwest I liked the third one best. Kind of reminded me of My Own Private Thermo...from M-2. I labeled them like this Water, Sewage, Water, Alien. A lot of media here again...The first was really fast, especially with the water rivers that were more like chutes. There are a couple of secrets here, if you have time to find them. (check the films) 2nd Level...well, download and email the author on this one..4 level..."Transport City" (my label on this level) ...flow gets interruped with transporters
