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Infinity 1.5 updater 1.5

This is the latest update for the Infinity engine. This update includes the ability to use sprockets for various add-ons.

New World

The path to getting this map was quite different, but well worth it. A 5 level solo map that really is quite nice. Through the use of Anvil, you get the best of all three Marathon's. The buffers, switches, etc...are a combination of Marathon 1 thru Infinity. Almost all of the levels have good flow and there are interesting tricks on each level. Puzzles aren't too hard to figure out, and visually some really nice moments. Physics models help out on some of the levels with some ammo and weapon enhancements and at times you'll have memories of Marathon 2. (which I appreciated) Well worth your...

Alternatives to Submission v4.1

I almost put this one in the small net map group, but it does have 8 starting points. Some very good detail put in to the design of this level. A medium sized net map that is probably best suited for EMFH. A exposed shield recharge, and some great tunnel passageways that reminded me of A Converted Church. Should provide for some fast and great carnage. Sounds were placed sparingly and the light sets were used in some really good places. Once you get the feel of the map the flow was pretty good. Visually a good effort.

Bordello of Blood

A very large net level that has some pretty good construction and design to it. Flow is good except in just a couple of small areas. Designed for EMFH, you will have to have at least 3 to 4 to keep it interesting. Very slow frame rates due to the line of sight, polys and sprites. (if you play it solo). Even on low res and 256 colors it gave low rates. Faster machines will help in this area to a degree. Visual effects are very good in some places, sounds are limited and the light sets were few but well placed. Again, a well constructed, linear, lay out, well worth the look.

It Is A Good Day to Die

A small network map with some interesting designs. Flow is slow to medium due to the dead ends and transporters. (your new location puts you facing a wall) A few texture alignment spots and some weird angles on some of the polys. Speed of this one could be faster with some polys shaved off. General idea is pretty good, check out the stair construction. Designed for EMFH, 4 is the max according to the author. I agree.

Lord of the Hill

Exactly like it sounds, a medium sized net map with a exposed hill that has access by one side to a half enclosed ring and accessed by the other side by some fast elevators. Fast map KoTH supported the best. Will support a few other net modes.

Some Dummies Die v1.1

A mixture of different sized rooms connected with some very fast elevators, transporters and/or stairs. The main room has some cool look-outs/sniper pill boxes that run around the top edge. To what is becoming commonplace with this author, some great hiding places and I believe some of the best stair design I have seen. The time that it must take to make these stairs. Again, a few texture misalignments, few sounds and few light sets. But, some very fast carnage in spite of it's size. You need a large group for this one.

Bloody Bodies Falling

A small net level that is crammed full of just about every construction idea possible. Stairs that go to transporters, doors that open to U shaped hallways, a very dark water room, a small hill with a small arena room that surrounds it, etc, etc. Don't even think about picking up the spnkr, unless you are going up to one of the sniper perches. Best set up for EMFH but will work with KOtH. Flow is constricted at times, but one that will provide for a lot of carnage. A bunch of polys , so be prepared.

Can't You Hit Me!

A very large water arena net level. In the area of flow, this one is the authors best yet. Way too many sharp angles that give you the bouncing feature. Some stairs, etc., not accesible in some areas which really slows down the game. Platforms, elevators and doors are very fast and really aide in the flow oif the level. A good bunch of good characteristics here mixed with some other ones that are not so good. Should provide large groups with some good carnage. EMfH fits the best.

Moloch's Crucible

Today's best upload and the reason why there were no posts yesterday. A single level solo map that has some very good visual and construction details. You will be flippin' a bunch of switches but the flow and methodology behind it is very well laid out. The story line is good and the color touches on the aliens are done in very good taste. I won't spoil this for you, but make sure you can grenade hop. It is essential to the completion of this level. Definitely worth your time. Still couldn't figure out why the spnkr', possibly for another level in the future.
