Created by Rich Dierkes

Ode to Pombero (M2) v1.7

11 levels. These were released for Infinity a few months back... now they're available in M2 format, and they prove that great maps can look great in multiple texturesets. Rich is a master at multilevel carnage...

Brief Nardonic Requiems v1.4

Two very good levels from what a great marathon author. The first level Translation into Loyalty, consists of a few mini arenas with the Tempus Pfhor texture set. The second, I Used to Be uses the outdoor enviroment from Tempus. Two very fun levels that can also be played solo. 1.4 update tweaks lighting, textures, and layout to improve gameplay.

To Squirm and Stiffen... v1.1

5 maps, all nicely built, all catering to slightly different tastes. Small groups should be able to use all 5, but larger groups will probably pass on the middle three... unless they're looking for 5+ kpm rates. Flow is generally quite good.

Folie a'Deux

Another two level net hopper from Rich. The first level is a small outdoor arena set with the Nardo alien texture set. The final level is a outdoor/indoor arena with some great design ideas. Another great one from Rich!

Cherished Illusions

Another great level from Rich. This map has three levels, two that are new sporting the Nardo textures and the third, using the pfhor Nardo set is a port from Rich's Evil Map"Meat Hive". These levels really are visually stunning with these textures. I found myself just trying to steer clear of the "baddies" long enough to take in the texture choices. The flow is great and the "multi-split-level" idea is really challenging. This is a great map and will support any play you desire.

Evil: Meat Hive

Another great level from Rich! This map is built with the Evil Lava texture set although you won't see the lava. It can support as many as 8 players and all the net modes.

Evil:Fetid Psyllium Sigma Net Hop

Seven levels, really just six with a starter level. This is a Evil net hopper with some very fine small to medium net maps.

Marinero al Carbon

Out of all the Evil levels that Rich has made, I liked this one the best. There is a embedded physics model and once you play this level, I think you will understand why I liked it so much.

Evil: Apostasy & Nettleson

Visually, one of the nicest maps that I have received in a while. Built with the water texture set, this level has various multi-levels that can be accessed rapidly and with ease.
