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Watch Your Back

Should have been called, check your aim. A small square net level that has elevators to a semi-ring. The ring will take you to a couple of rooms that lead off of it. The rooms are very tight with access by some very tight stairs. BE CAREFUL HERE! I suppose the name comes from the shield recharge. A great place to get nailed in the back as you try to recharge. Some interesting design ideas here. Would be best for EMfH.

Were War are in Dreams

A very large, square, open arena level. The arena has a medium sized square hill that is accessible via grenade hop from one of the rings. I haven't checked for teleporters yet. Two rings wrap around the arena that are both elevated. The very top ring will give you access to the hill and the middle ring is where the ammo/weapons were located. Made for KtMwTB, KoTH and EMFh. Less than 5 it will be slow so make sure you have a big group. Some good light sets and the third ring is constructed with inverted corners. (my description) I only found one dead end.


Cool name, huh?? A large square arena with hallways that wrap around the middle square. A good sized elevated hill is located in the middle that is accessed by the corners of the hallways or a couple of straight passageways. Some 5D space with this one. Tons of ammo and weapons. Will support at least three net modes and is fast. Texture choices get a little noisy, but overall a good carnage map.

There Can Be Only One (HU)

Construction with this author just keeps getting better and better. No more of the single line walls, no more slow elevators. A large net level set with the pfhor textures. Some of the textures really tend to bleed but after a while I got used to it. Some pretty big arenas connected by stairs and or passageways. Good construction on the stairs, some strange ambient with this one. Pfhor set and I heard some bird sounds?????

Your Worst Nightmare

Probably the best from this author on todays page. Similar to There Can Be Only One, but a little bigger and different texture sets. Will support KtMwtB and EmfH.

Cartho delenda est 1.3

A very, very good solo map. 2 levels that has you chasing down a missing officer and a prototype ship that the pfhor has taken. Some incredible detail with this map and some tricks that are worth seeing if for no other reason. The ship in the space landscape that lands is pretty cool. Some pretty strong bad guys and you will have to take your time. Check out the transporters.......(any more and I will spoil the map) Get this!!

Future Death

A medium pseudo arena level, that has some very nice visual touches to it. A fast map in spite of the line of sight this level holds. Three elevated errors separated by a sunken arena. Some pretty good ideas here with some good construction techniques. Simple, but good. Sounds are ok, and flow is pretty good.

Land of the Yeti 2: Vengance v2.0

A rework of Land of the Yeti. This update now has a built in bad guys that are more of a challenge than before. The gray s'pht was a challenge and the map seems to be faster now? The author explains in the read me concerning the parts of this creation. Now supports KoTh and multi carnage.


A two level solo map that is really not that bad considering what the author put into it. Some basic retrieve the chip ideas but the idea of the ammo and weapons given makes this really worth your time. Magnums are the name of the game and even though there is some linear layouts, stay alive!! Some haphazard construction problems-stairs that are so tight-that you will think the player doesn't fit. Keep trying you can get through. I personally don't like floor and ceiling heights that move together on stairs. Flow is pretty good and worth the download.

First Mission

A small two level solo map, well, the first level is informational only, but the second level is medium sized. The authors first map, and for a first timer not bad at all. Some common textures throughout, but some very good work with platforms and elevators. Flow isn't really great, but it is good enough to keep you playing. Just the right amount of baddies in comparison to ammo/weapons. So, for the most part this guy is on the right track. He is requesting email so please take the time to let him know. New mapmakers are always encouraged and it...
