Created by Unknown

Moonlight Serenade (neu)

Another Infinity scenario from Germany no doubt as the terminals are in doitch. Or perhaps Deutch. German anyway. No Read Me. Couldn't get the lead out on the first level. Second or third, what to do what to do. Not a lot to get into here. Download but be advised Management shall not be held responsible for any dissatisfaction on player's part.

Chris 1

Arena play doesn't get more straightforward than this map. Ledges for sniper shots, what appears to be a crusher in the middle but no luck in activating. No rechargers, no frills.


Two levels, first one is 'Contact'. Twisty with switches to get you around. Terminal has no explicit mission, just come back here when finished, with a cc: aliens. Lava surrounding central area with walkways to various places; maze, crusher room, etc. We killed everything we thought & wore out action key but to no avail. Term text remained the same. Next step: cmd/cntrl 2. Called 'Just Survive' and it's great fun! What a bunch of sorehead aliens!

Rockets R Us

Simple Arena, five sides, four elevators, considerable ammo. Standard issue, could have some fun here.

Down Town

An early effort, basically a Kill Bob solo level. Appears to be no solution but to kill the "little guy", yep, those little ones again.

The Warzone Blues V1.0

What's my purpose in life? Why am I here? What should I do? Is anybody out there? Will I ever get a Launcher so I can reach that chip? Does anybody care? We're so Blue . . .
