Created by Unknown

Rockets R Us

Simple Arena, five sides, four elevators, considerable ammo. Standard issue, could have some fun here.

Circle Of Doubt

Large inner circle with surrounding stairs leading off to four corner rooms/areas where weapons & ammo can be picked up. Stairs for ammo also. Central area of circle continually raised Compilers upon entering, only alien to be seen. 2x canister. Probably would work as KOTH or tag.

The Warzone Blues V1.0

What's my purpose in life? Why am I here? What should I do? Is anybody out there? Will I ever get a Launcher so I can reach that chip? Does anybody care? We're so Blue . . .

Bad Dog

A very precise polygon with raised crosswalks connecting sides, not all that much ammo, didn't see any recharger. One catch, those drones again. They tend to snap hidden doors shut just when your aim is sure. Damn! This could be a really good ride if you like arena-type maps with a few tricks thrown in.

Hey! Get off my Castle!

Square Arena, Lava Pit in center with rising pillar controlled by switch, outer raised ledges. Transport gets you into pit so the trick is to... 2-4 players we think.

Barney's House

A series of squares & rectangles connected by halls, water elevators; very dark effect. No terms, no Mission. May be a first effort by author, keep going! Play Marathon! Plus, we love the name Barney!

Claustrophobolis V1.0

This map is very claustrophobic. Lava pit but you can walk on it. Elevators to no particular place. Corridors with no straight shots to be had. You might like it if you like suddenly rounding corners to . . . . Blam!

Eternal Warfare

Large arena, Read Me says best for KOTH, Hill is dead center with lower levels having transporters to sniper slots, ammo... you can leap onto Hill. Comment: when you bring up Map on +++ it is full of religious messages, author's statements/observations on all things Jesus & God 'spelled backward is Dog' kinda stuff. It is kind of yin & yang as you get these messages & then try to KILL your friends in a most dastardly & vicious way! What is that all about???
