Created by Unknown

Moonlight Serenade (neu)

Another Infinity scenario from Germany no doubt as the terminals are in doitch. Or perhaps Deutch. German anyway. No Read Me. Couldn't get the lead out on the first level. Second or third, what to do what to do. Not a lot to get into here. Download but be advised Management shall not be held responsible for any dissatisfaction on player's part.


Kids! This is excellent! Would like to know the author because he's got a handle. Six levels, each one a very different venue but a basic mission involving Boomer & data chips with Tycho trying once again to entice you to his side and dissing Durandal. There are five levels with number five transporting you back to the game screen as though you were through, BUT, there's a sixth level where you can just fool around as apparently the author did. A very good scenario, will keep your interest all the way through. Prison level, Boomer level, vacuum level, this one has it all. Highly recommended!

"Moonlight Serenade (neu, klein)"

Another edition, later one too. German terms hold you back, to a point. Whereas we couldn't manage level one, "Go For It", at all in the previous edition we almost made it here. Where is that second chip? Does have a room full of ammo you have to look for. Pattern Buffer for saves, but no cheating, darn. Level two, "This is just the Beginning" is a very nifty Net (we think, what else when a room has ten shield canister thingy's and ammo up the you know where). Term we can kind of read says friend is in trouble. This level is also full of aliens of assorted stripe. Level three, Net/aliens/Boomer in the hanger. Level four is back at level one. Maybe third time will be the charm edition of this scenario.

Down Town

An early effort, basically a Kill Bob solo level. Appears to be no solution but to kill the "little guy", yep, those little ones again.


An example of how to make a star gate effect (from the movie "Stargate") using standard Infinity shapes and physics.

Barney's House

A series of squares & rectangles connected by halls, water elevators; very dark effect. No terms, no Mission. May be a first effort by author, keep going! Play Marathon! Plus, we love the name Barney!

The Warzone Blues V1.0

What's my purpose in life? Why am I here? What should I do? Is anybody out there? Will I ever get a Launcher so I can reach that chip? Does anybody care? We're so Blue . . .

Walcome Ta the Sock

Opening screen at term, photo of unknown doofus geek AI; gather ammo, check back for mission: 'Free the Lost Bob'. Transport into Error Land or Unable to Read Land. Crashidy boomidy splat

Carnage is the Right Way

Carnage, so apt a name for this little exercise. Ammo up the wazoo, but you can expire! Another test of your skills, Marine!

Coyotu Szenegua!!

The first & last thing you hear with this Map Maker's effort, "Hey, Let's Kill BOB!". If you like to Kill Bob, this is for you. No progression, no end, just Kill Bob! Sufficient ammo for the job, but like Bobs everywhere, they just keep coming & coming & coming!
