Created by Richard Dierkes
This map is a large, rectangular net level that is a representation of a actual event that happened to the author. When you read the read me it should provide you with the information that explains the map. Kind of gave me a chill to be honest! A multilayered net level that is visually, again, up to this authors standard. Three net modes supported and three physics models included.
A small net level that is tight at times but visually a nice map. The flow is never interrupted and you will need to keep a eye out for your backside on this one. Up and down aiming will help so make sure that you aren't just gunning for the Marine in front of you. EmfH, KoTh and KtmwTb supported.
A large net level built using the Jjarro texture set. This map has been posted previously at the archive, but, for some reason for the life of me I couldn't find it. So, here it is again. One of Richard's better maps, comes complete with a sewage chute that can be used to your advantage if you go (run) through it just right. Some beautiful visual designs and one of the fastest net maps posted tonight. Supports multiple net modes and enough ammo for 6 or more. I have misplaced the read me that goes with this map, but, make sure you email the author and he would probably send it to you.
nother good map from Richard Dierkes. This is a large net level, but if you looked at it as it is laid out, it is really three levels that run perpendicular to the others. Richard has made some very good maps that have been posted here at the archive, this one seems to have every detail idea he had thrown into one map. At times, I felt very claustrophobic, but, once you get the lay out down...there are some really cool tricks with this one. Be careful while you recharge, this author has NEVER made a safe recharge poly.
Another large net map from the mapmaker that puts these things out faster than I can get them up. A center hill area, (sort of), where the hill is the second floor. The third floor allows access to the ring, that kind of goes around the hill. This, IMO, is the fastest net map the author has make yet. Some pretty cool light sets and his construction design is NEVER along the normal arena, wrap around ring concept. Some lower hallways that are perfect for those that like to hang out and wait for other Marines to blow away. All types of net modes supported and will hold up to 8.
This author is continuing to make large net maps that are designed well, good construction and very good attention to detail. At first I really had a hard time describing this one. A castle like hill in the so-called middle of the map, with some outer areas that contain ammo/weapons. KOTH, EMFH and KTMWTB works best, and you can find the ball on top of the castle. You better have 5 or this one is going to be slow...........Good design again. Pump this author some email, I believe he might start making solo levels. He definitely has some great ideas for maps.
A large net level with some very interesting texture choices. The author used pattern buffers, etc. to texture some short walls and in some other key places. Again, some pretty neat 5D here, but done in good taste. (not too much) A few details gets in the way of flow, but still pretty fast. Check out this one in high res. Net modes supported, EMFH and a few others. A neat trick with invisible walls in the main arena.
Like the author says, "If you like dark, carmped and twisty levels than this map is for you." I personally have trouble with hallways that turn so fast that you end up with not really having a hallway. This thing does have a central area "arena" but it's not too big. Again, a triple shield recharge BUT at the end of a very long hallway. Just right for getting a missile in your back. One of those levels where you meet in a hallway and blast until one drops.
A quasi arena map so-to-speak with some very good hill detail in the middle. The hill is a square, multi-leveled passageways. The ring that wraps around is fully exposed to the arena. The author gives you a triple shield recharge, but, as we have seen with his other maps, it is in prime position...
A very large net level that has sub arenas around a smaller arena. Leveled walkways around the edge of the map gives access to higher sniper vantage positions. The lava pits on the outside down below will reward with some goodies..Flow is still pretty good in spite of some detailed constructions.