Browse Files

Breath of 1,000 Dogs v2.0

A large net level with some very interesting texture choices. The author used pattern buffers, etc. to texture some short walls and in some other key places. Again, some pretty neat 5D here, but done in good taste. (not too much) A few details gets in the way of flow, but still pretty fast. Check out this one in high res. Net modes supported, EMFH and a few others. A neat trick with invisible walls in the main arena.

Castle Carnage v1.0

A large net map that is just right for playing teams. Two castles spaced apart by a moat. Ammo and weapons are placed about inside each castle, with a 2x shield recharge on the top level. Some enhancements that will allow you to practice your missile jumping and if you need some work on spnkr firing, then try this one solo! You have jug's to fire at through the small openings from each castle. Great spnkr practice here. One of only two maps I have seen that work great with teams. Construction is good, hallways are tight so be prepared.

Culture Shock 0.1

A 4 level solo map, really 2 levels that describe where you are and what your mission is, the other two are pretty large. The author went to some detail on the read me's so don't fly past them. A couple of smears on elevators and some neat puzzles to figure out. Visually, pretty well done. This guy likes drones and he also puts jugger's in places that you wouldn't expect. (check the screenshot out)


A very good solo level that will try your patience. From the very first puzzle you can tell that this thing is going to take strategy to get through. A vacuum level on a ship, you fish your way through fusion bobs (these guys are pretty deadly), compliers and not to mention sewage and the constant need for air. Run back and forth, seems to be the case here, but I sure didn't get bored and didn't mind running. A good download with some great ideas and construction efforts. The beginning central shaft is worth the download.

Pfhor Comes to Dinner

A small rectangular net level with a few small rooms that are connected to the main hall. Ammo and weapons can be found in the smaller rooms. Four pillars in the large room gives you something to hide behind but due to the size of this one, it would probably only hold 3 to 4. Ammo is tight so conserve. This author likes holes in the floor so be careful with your steps or you will get fried with lava. This is his first level and he is asking for feedback so take the time to email him.