Browse Files

Bob of the Bill

A nice-looking level centered around a big open area with the hill in it. Lots of sniper perches, lots of ways to die. (For example, there's a lava column that it's easy to brush jumping out a window... there goes some health.) Ammo is pretty scarce, but the author said he set the level up to kill you fast, so this isn't a problem.

Kiasma 2

A large, sprawling level, with several open arena-like areas, lots of stairs, and some funky tighter passageways. Ammo and especially weapons are a little tight... but 3 or 4 should have no trouble at all.

M2/Mi Photoshop CLUT

One question that has come up more than most is "How do I get the Marathon CLUT in a form I can use it?" Hamish Sanderson has answered that question, with two files: a Photoshop CLUT file (directly importable), and a PICT containing all the colors in a nice grid, that you can eye-dropper anywhere you need in any painting program. There are also some very useful hints on making Marathon artwork in the readme... if you're doing serious work in Anvil, and having troubles making things look right, get this file. 'Nuff said.

Map Exporter Documentation

Documentation for the Marathon Map Exporter. Contains info on exporting to various 3D games (including a few upcoming ones), and some discussion of the evolution of 3D games. Worthwhile reading for anyone looking beyond the Marathon universe for first-person-shooter games.


A series of courtyards, connected by stone passageways. Very castle-looking. Fantastic attention to detail, especially in the lighting category (although sounds seem to have been neglected). For big groups, this provides a nice balance of open space and tight corridors, with just enough entrances to give someone an out if he's getting shot badly. (For smaller groups, you might be hunting for someone to kill.) Weapons and ammo are segregated... you'll most likely be using the same weapon until you're killed.