Browse Files

Third World Think Tank

Read Me states this is a work in progress, also mentions faves in various categories i.e., music; Hendrix, Stones, Pearl Jam, Beck etc., etc. Definitely a scenario in progress. Mr. Johnstone has the right idea and no doubt has big plans. Maybe when he finishes it will Rock!

Tide Beach

An idea for putting gentle wave action on a beach scene. This uses the standard shapes and physics. All you need is a sand and BOBette in a bikini patch and you are set.

Up Down & Around

Another little Kill 'em exercise by Mr. Pembroke. Play on total carnage & wave . . . no that's waves, of aliens will accommodate you. Nice map as usual.

Walcome Ta the Sock

Opening screen at term, photo of unknown doofus geek AI; gather ammo, check back for mission: 'Free the Lost Bob'. Transport into Error Land or Unable to Read Land. Crashidy boomidy splat

Weapons Range

Ya know . . . this was kinda fun. It's a test for various physics models; weapons at one end of a firing range, 'Monsters' at the other. Small barrier in the middle & 'Monsters' (assorted aliens) don't activate until fired upon. We may have misjudged when we leaped over the barrier to mix it up.

Whispers in the Night

One gigantic invisible Devlin here, kill it with your most deadly weapon then traverse corridor after corridor after . . . well, you get the idea. Looking for the data chip that contains info on experiments to turn Devlins into working drones (bleck). Of course the lights are out and 75% of the switches don't work so maybe it's a sequence thing. There is a Pattern Buffer but who needs it. The chip must be behind that airlock-type door off the Science Lab (no names from Map key) and here's to you Mr. Robinson if you can retrieve it. How much time do you have to spend in someone else's ...

Who Fears the Marine

We do! It's those crazy Bob's and they are in your face; you enter scenario & aargh, greeted by a contingent of those guys. And a few Pfhor just for the hellavit. Thank goodness for triple strength shield rechargers, you'll need them. Solo play works & with opponents you should have a rollicking good time! No read me, no frills but a well laid out, pretty good size, map. Try it!
